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What are the most important steps educators can take to prepare students for work and citizenship in a global future

What are the most important steps educators can take to prepare students for work and citizenship in a global future

Building a World- Class Public Education System

Over the last couple of weeks you have read about successful education systems around the world. Hargreaves and Shirley (2012) share that,

In high-performing countries and provinces, there is a strong teaching profession backed by powerful and positive professional associations that are in the forefront of educational change. There is also a strong public system, a means to forge a common good and a shared future in a better life for all (p. 174).

They go on to claim that “there is a better way ahead for everyone” (p. 175). The key to these statements is the impact. What does this mean for educators, students, school district as well as the education system as a whole?

Choose one of the following options for your initial discussion board post:

Option One:

The Global Fourth Way is described by Hargreaves and Shirley (2012) as a powerful new vision to bring about effective educational reform. In your own words, what is the Global Fourth Way? Have you experienced evidence of this new approach happening in your state or district? If so, in what way? If not, what do you see as roadblocks?

Option Two:

What are the most important steps educators can take to prepare students for work and citizenship in a global future? How could your schools, teachers, and students become more globally engaged? Have you experienced this happening in your state or district? If so, in what way? If not, what do you see as roadblocks?

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style

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This is the introduction information for these assignments

Deep and lasting educational reform does not happen overnight, even with the speed of fast-paced advancements and flexibilities of the 21st century. As economies, societies, technology, and cultures have changed, the education system in the United States has remained relatively neutral. The world is changing fast, therefore, the American education system can no longer stand still. Indeed, education will shape the future. Moving toward the goal of education sustainability requires fundamental educational reform. As the role of education is highlighted, it is critical that the United States keep abreast of the world’s evolving educational standards and best practices to continue to discuss ideas on to how to impart a global perspective in the American education system.

Clearly globalization has transformed the way people live, work, learn, and interact with others. In this interconnected world, it is evident that the children of today will live in an even more globalized nation, and society will continue to be increasingly affected by people around the world. No single or easy answer to educational reform is evident, but it is not difficult to identify some important, interrelated, and fundamental issues contributing to assessing needs.

When thinking worldwide, the vast community of educators represent an enormously potent human-resource that can be invaluable in the American education system’s reform. Is this resource being tapped to its fullest potential? This global effort can perhaps be better understood as an emerging vision rather than as a neatly defined concept. Bold, focused, and coordinated action is critical if the United States is to remain a global leader.

The United States does not stand alone in its desire to prepare its children for the skills that they will need to succeed in the future. The increasingly global world poses unique challenges for education. While no one can predict the future with one hundred percent certainty, educators owe it to students to try to prepare them for tomorrow’s world. How can educators prepare the next generation fast enough and well enough to meet the growing and demanding skills for the 21st century?

Through participation in the following activities, the candidate will:

Develop a common understanding across international borders of how children learn best.
Global Engagement
Compare and contrast educational systems worldwide
Book Study Take-Away
American Education Redesign
Building a World-Class Education System
The following materials are required studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week and save these weekly materials for future use.

The Flat World and Education (Darling-Hammond, 2010)
Chapter 8: Organizing for Success
Chapter 9: Policy for Quality and Equality
The Global Fourth Way (Hargreaves & Shirley, 2012)
Chapter 9: Pointers for Practice: The Global Fourth Way in Action
A World-Class Education (Stewart, 2012)
6: Creating the Future
Global Citizenship (Oxfam, n.d.) [Website]
These resources are provided to enhance your overall learning experience. For deeper understanding of the weekly concepts, review these optional resources.

Darling-Hammond, L. (2010, August 2). The flat world and education [Video file]. Retrieved from http://library.fora.tv/2010/08/02/Linda_Darling-Ha…

Olds, K. (2012, March). What are we talking about and why does it matter? Inside Higher Ed Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/globalhighered…

Oxfam. (2006). Education for global citizenship: A guide for schools. A Curriculum for Global Citizenship. Retrieved from http://www.oxfam.org.uk/-/media/Files/Education/Gl…

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What are the most important steps educators can take to prepare students for work and citizenship in a global future


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