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Address ethical issues related to economic justice, poverty, and wealth.

Address ethical issues related to economic justice, poverty, and wealth.

The purpose of the Video Blog (VLOG) assignment is to encourage you to think and argue critically about specific issues related to ethical dilemmas. Each module week, you will have the option of identifying an ethics-related problem or issue and creating a short video that describes the ethical dilemma, relates it to the module concepts and provides insights, recommendations, and/or solutions that address the issues. Your VLOG should state the facts of the ethical dilemma and relate your opinion, grounded in critical thinking and ethical theory. Discuss how your real-world issue relates to the concepts studied in this module and ethical theories.

This week\’s VLOG should address ethical issues related to economic justice, poverty, and wealth.

You may select the tool that you use to create your power-point. Your video should be three to five minutes in duration. You may use supporting visual aids (pictures, graphs, etc.) to enhance your presentation.



Required Course Materials

Title: Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues

ISBN: 978-1305958678

Authors: Mackinnon, Barbara and Fiala, Andrew

Publisher: Cengage Learning

Publication Date: 2018

Edition: 9th

Format: Textbook


Read the following chapters from your textbook Ethics and Contemporary Issues, 9th Edition

Chapter 4 – Egoism, Altruism, and the Social Contract: This chapter examines the concepts of egoism and altruism and their relative place in society. It explores the social rules of engagement and underlying agreements that constitute what we consider our \”social contract.\”

Review Chapter 4 – Egoism, Altruism, and the Social Contract (PPTX).

Chapter 14 – Economic Justice: This chapter addresses questions about whether the wealthier members of society or society itself is responsible to care for its poorer members. Issues are raised about whether people are owed basic necessities of life no matter what, only if they make some effort to attain those necessities themselves, or only if they are otherwise deserving in some way.

Review Chapter 14 – Economic Justice (PPTX).


Answer preview to address ethical issues related to economic justice, poverty, and wealth.

Address ethical issues related to economic justice poverty and wealth.

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