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What successful reforms did China take to gain huge economic growth since 1978

What successful reforms did China take to gain huge economic growth since 1978

What successful reforms did China take to gain huge economic growth since 1978, Paper

My research topic is about the rapid development of China’s economy since 1978. As we know, China used to be pretty rural and pool. However, after a series of successful reforms and policies on economy, China managed to develop very fast and till now, China has become the world largest Economy. In my paper, I will analyze on what successful reforms did China implement to achieve such great leap in the economy. I have some resources that needs to be implemented and cited in the paper. However, I failed to find the counterargument and resources for counterargument so I am gonna have to request you to help me find a good one and use it. And I think I need more resources since I have 4 resources right now and the requirement for the paper is no less than 6. You may not choose to use all my resources but you have to use at least two because I already submitted my topic proposal and the TA approved. The length of this paper is 6-8 pages excluding the reference page. I have attached the requirements, my previous proposal as well as my resources below. My thesis is also in my proposal but you can modify my thesis if it’s not so good or appropriate. ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING, after finishing the paper, please send me over all the resources you used and if you could, please also send me the screenshot of the specific paragraph you used in paper.


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What successful reforms did China take to gain huge economic growth since 1978


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