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Full critique of outbreak response to a communicable disease

 Full critique of outbreak response to a communicable disease

Case study 1: Full critique of outbreak response to a communicable disease
You will choose one communicable disease to fully discuss. You must be able to address all parts of the assignment. If you cannot, then choose a different communicable disease. Please message the instructor no later than week 4 with your disease of choice. Students must use proper APA format. Student must demonstrate proper use of vocabulary.
You will discuss the following:
1. Introduction
a. Discuss biology of disease including transmission, clinical aspects, type of agent, and any other relevant biological aspects.
b. Epidemiology of disease including current morbidity and mortality statistics. You must also describe any relevant outbreaks, epidemics, or pandemics that have occurred in the last 10 years (you may go back further than this if relevant). In addition, provide a table that summarizes all outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics and include relevant information (ex. when, where, statistics). You must give an overall picture of the disease and how it has affected public health and/or continues to.
c. Current surveillance procedures on disease both nationally and internationally
d. Thesis statement – must provide a proper analytical thesis statement – https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/
2. Body – you will choose the most recent 2 outbreaks of the disease and compare and contrast how they were handled including the topics below. You must provide an insightful and factual account of what occurred and critically analyze the control methods used.
a. Emergency and Disaster Management if in context of outbreaks including response time to outbreak and outbreak investigation
b. Ethics surrounding patient and contact control of the disease
c. Policy – ex. does national and international policy agree?, were changes made due to the outbreaks?
d. Public Health Interventions – describe the specific interventions that were used to stop transmission. If interventions were available but not used, include this.
3. Conclusion: Provide a critique of the response and the interventions used (remember to properly defend your thesis in this section)
a. Was the response in line with health policy guidelines? explain
b. Was the response effective? Why or why not?
c.Discuss changes that have been implemented or need to be implemented for future outbreaks.
Submission: You must submit your completed paper through this assignment link as it will be subjected to TurnItIn. Save your file in the following format before you submit: Last Name, First Initial Topic (i.e. Jones, L Measles Eradication). Failure to submit the file in the proper format will lead to point deductions.
*PLAGIARISM: Your paper will go through TurnItIn, a plagiarism software. If you receive a high score in TurnItIn, it is likely that you have committed plagiarism whether intentional or not. Review this website to insure you do not commit plagiarism: http://www.plagiarism.org/
Assignment Instructions:

Please review the Final Paper/Project Grading Rubric prior to submission (Click on View IRubric in the main Assignment List page).
Final Paper/Project is due in the Assignment portion of the classroom by Sunday, 11:55 p.m. EST. Make sure you read and understand the directions and requirements for each Assignment. Please ensure you cite your references in APA format with a minimum of 7 references (You may use your textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 6 academic outside references including 3 peer-reviewed journal articles). A minimum of 10 pages (not including title page, abstract, and references) is required. Assignments submitted late without advance notice will receive a 5% per day late penalty and will not be accepted for grading five (5) days past the due date.

Projects will be graded based on the following areas: Foundation and synthesis of knowledge, application of knowledge critical thinking, writing skills, use of computer technology and application, and organization of ideas and format. Refer to Library Online Resource Center for any research assistance. Refer to the Student Handbook for policies relevant to academic honesty and other procedures and policies related to this course.

The principle characteristic of the ACS paper is rich content; teaching the reader sentence after sentence, paragraph after paragraph. In composition, it is marked by stylistic finesse: the title and opening paragraph are engaging; the transitions are artful; the phrasing is tight, fresh, and highly specific; the sentence structure is varied; the tone enhances the purposes of the paper. Finally, the ACS paper, because of its careful organization, development, and logic imparts a sense of completeness and unusual clarity. An ACS paper is highly instructive for other (and future) members of the course; as a result, it is publishable.

This paper is more than competent. In addition to being almost free of mechanical error, the MCS paper gives the reader substantial information of quantity, interest, and scholarly value. Its specific points are logically ordered, well developed, and unified around an organizing principle that is clear. The opening paragraph draws the reader in; the closing paragraph is both conclusive and thematically related to the opening. The transitions between paragraphs are for the most part smooth and the sentence structures pleasingly varied. The diction of the MCS paper is typically much more concise and precise than found in the BCS paper. Occasionally, it even shows distinctiveness and finesse. Overall, an MCS paper makes the reading experience pleasurable, one that offers substantial information with few distractions.

The paper is generally competent. It meets the assignment, has few mechanical errors, and is reasonably well organized and developed. The actual information-content is either thin and commonplace or made to seem so. The ideas are vague generalities; they prompt the reader in some confusion to ask margin questions “In every case or why or how or how many…? How do we know this?” Stylistically, the BCS paper has shortcomings as well: the opening paragraph does little to draw in the reader; the final paragraph offers only a perfunctory wrap-up; the transitions between paragraphs are often bumpy; the sentences, while choppy, follow a predictable (and monotonous) subject-verb-object pattern; and the diction is occasionally marred by unconscious repetitions, redundancy, and imprecision. The BCS paper gets the job done but lacks imagination and intellectual rigor; rereading would be a chore.
D Papers = UNACCEPTABLE EFFORT (UE). Not Graduate Level Work.

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