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Are you in favor of legalizing drugs

Are you in favor of legalizing drugs

Part II: Now, what is the claim you are going to make about your topic? For our essay, we are writing a persuasive argument essay in which we make a claim and then support that claim. In the Week 4 Assignment worksheet, we will be creating a three-part thesis statement in which we identify the three reasons/sub-points we are going to discuss in our body paragraphs.

As the Interactive Lesson explains this week, we need to narrow down our general topic in order to create our 500-700 word, 5 paragraph essay with each paragraph 5-7 sentences in length.

Are you in favor of legalizing drugs? What drugs, exactly? Only marijuana? If so, all marijuana use or only medical marijuana? You must be very specific in your thesis statement. What approach will you use? One good approach for an essay like this is to recognize, and then refute, an opposing viewpoint.

REMINDER: As you work on your thesis statement for Week 4, be sure to clearly state your point of view and then give three reasons (subpoints) why. The reasons will become the topics of your body paragraphs.

Basically to break it down it needs:

-Thesis statement with 3 sub-points

-Be specific on what drug(s) in the thesis statement



Answer preview to are you in favor of legalizing drugs

Are you in favor of legalizing drugs


762 words

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