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Select a particular drug population at risk and a drug of abuse

Select a particular drug population at risk and a drug of abuse and follow the suggested outline below to discuss

Select a particular drug population at risk and a drug of abuse and follow the suggested outline below to discuss.Examples include (but are not limited to): women and methamphetamine, youth and marijuana, Native Americans and alcohol, men who identify as gay and methamphetamine, women who identify as lesbian and alcohol, or co-occurring disorders.

I.Population description (who) (2 points)

II.Substance of abuse description (what) (2 points)

III.What is the main issue/problem that occurs with this population? Why is it an issue? (5 points)

IV.Identify a screening tool you would use with this substance and with this population (how) (e.g. CAGE, AUDIT, CRAFFT, etc.) (2 points)

V.Treatment modality suggestion (e.g., inpatient, outpatient, pharmacological, etc.) (2 points)

VI.Evaluation of treatment: How would you know if the treatment is working? (e.g., alcohol/drug use reduced or stopped and other indicators such as positive changes in relationships with family and/or friends, work, education, etc.) (2 points)

  • Note:APA format required
  • Use headings as noted above
  • References cited (minimum of 5 references)




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Studies have indicated that marijuana is amongst the highly abused illicit drugs in the United States. The number of adolescents using the drug has increased considerably after legalization of the drug began in various states. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 23.8 million Americans of age 12 years and above agreed to have used marijuana in 2012. 45.3% of this population comprises of 12th graders who reported…………………..


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