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How does Michael Dominic’s documentary represent this invisible population

How does Michael Dominic’s documentary represent this invisible population

Sunshine Hotel Documentary

Watch this documentary and write up a summary

Complete a 1-2 page single spaced write-up – consider the following:

How does Michael Dominic’s documentary represent this ‘invisible population, that is, what is the social construction of ‘homelessness‘?

Pick one person from the documentary and provide your insights about their life.

What are your thoughts about how this individual feel living at the Sunshine Hotel?

Does this flophouse serve a purpose for them?

Do you believe there is a better solution for them?


This paper must be written in Microsoft Word (no exceptions)

This paper must follow APA format

This paper must be single spaced, 12” font, 1” margins all around

Must use references/resources .

Citation (Last name, Year)

Give me your best writing because I need to score an A

Need 2 pages (does not include references page)

Answer preview to how does Michael Dominic’s documentary represent this invisible population

How does Michael Dominic’s documentary represent this invisible population


1253 words

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