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Do we really need technology to help children improve critical thinking

Do we really need technology to help children improve critical thinking

Assignment Details: Write me an annotated bibliography for these sources with proper APA format.

Butler, P., & Farah, H. (2023, Jul 26). ‘Put learners first’: UNESCO calls for a global ban on smartphones in schools. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/26/put-learners-first-unesco-calls-for-global-ban-on-smartphones-in-schools

Noviza, O. (2020). Critical thinking and technology in young children: Do we really need technology to help children improve critical thinking? International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2019) (pp. 51-54). Atlantis Press.

Perna, M. C. (2022, Oct 11). Penny for your thoughts: Why quality thinking is declining worldwide. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/markcperna/2022/10/11/penny-for-your-thoughts-why-quality-thinking-is-declining-worldwide/?sh=58d8b9034bce.
Seibert, S. A. (2021). Problem-based learning: A strategy to foster Generation Z’s critical thinking and perseverance. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(1), 85-88.

Well, I. (2023, July 5). The decline of critical thinking skills. Psychology Today.
Paper Format: APA

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Do we really need technology to help children improve critical thinking


690 words

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