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Take a moment an reflect on your thoughts about taking this course and using DSM-5-Tr to diagnose a person.

Take a moment an reflect on your thoughts about taking this course and using DSM-5-Tr to diagnose a person.

Take a moment an reflect on your thoughts about taking this course and using DSM-5-Tr to diagnose a person. Then in your initial post, articulate those thoughts in response to these prompts:

What are your initial thoughts about diagnosing a person?

Is this a role a clinical social worker should have?

Do you have any concerns about DSM-5-TR and the fact that the manual is owned and maintained by the American Psychiatric Association?

What stigmas do you anticipate as you learn about the disorder categories?

What concerns do you have about learning to diagnose DSM-5-TR Disorders?

Post your initial responses and respond to two of your peers. Your initial response must be between 250-300 words.

Requirements: follow instructions

Answer preview to Take a moment an reflect on your thoughts about taking this course and using DSM-5-Tr to diagnose a person.

Take a moment an reflect on your thoughts about taking this course and using DSM-5-Tr to diagnose a person.


303 words

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