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What disease control protocols in Scarborough Grace Hospital should have been followed to stop the spread of SARS I

What disease control protocols in Scarborough Grace Hospital should have been followed to stop the spread of SARS I

Choose two of the following topics for your initial response to the Discussion:
What disease control protocols in Scarborough Grace Hospital should have been followed to stop the spread of SARS I?
Is instituting a voluntary quarantine effective in preventing the spread of disease? Why or why not?
Explain why the outbreak stopped.
What is an explanation for the occurrence of SARS Phase II in Toronto?
Could SARS have become a full pandemic spanning all countries and infecting large numbers of individuals? Why or why not?



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SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome is a contagious viral disease. The virus that causes this disease is known as SARS coronavirus. SARS has the capability of spreading so quickly and is capable of causing numerous deaths very quickly. Scarborough Grace Hospital should have employed several disease control protocols to stop the spread of this killer disease…………………..


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