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Discrimination, Ethnicity, and Religion

Research one incident of a hate crime committed against a religious or ethnic group in your community or in the nation

Discrimination, Ethnicity, and Religion

Research one incident of a hate crime committed against a religious or ethnic group in your community or in the nation. It is suggested you begin by researching local or national news websites for recent incidents reported by the media.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper describing the incident and that investigates the group further.

Include responses to the following in your paper:

What occurred and what resulted from the hate crime?

How does your selected group differ from other groups, such as in their beliefs, worship practices, values, ancestry, language, or culture?

After careful consideration of your course materials, what do you think is the cause of this type of discrimination?

How has your chosen group contributed to American culture?

Has your perception of this group changed as a result of your research?

Format your essay according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

note: must have references

Answer preview to research one incident of a hate crime committed against a religious or ethnic group in your community or in the nation

Research one incident of a hate crime committed against a religious or ethnic group in your community or in the nation

515 Words

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