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Write a paper about Asian American discrimination in the US workplace

Write a paper about Asian American discrimination in the US workplace

Write a paper about Asian American discrimination in the US workplace

Asians are one of the most diverse minority groups in the US

They are perceived as the model minority (a group who through hard work, determination, and strong cultural values has been able to achieve educational and financial success).

The term Asian refers to people from the Asia Pacific region which includes the Far East, Southeast Asia, India, Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Southeast Asians are more recent Asians into the US.

They are more likely to have entered with fewer skills and assets which impacts American success.

Filipinos, Chinese, and Japanese have the longest history in the US.

FILIPINOS first arrived in the US as ship crewmen who jumped ship and made their homes in the Louisiana bayous.


CHINESE started coming to this country in the 1850s looking for work.

Some researchers suggested Chinese took the place of African slaves in the west (housekeepers, field workers, laundry workers).

Chinese were credited with the completion of the transcontinental railroad which made it possible for people to travel west across the country seeking jobs. (violence against them for taking jobs away).

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first federal legislation to bar immigrants entrance into the US based on race.


JAPANESE immigrants started coming to the US in the mid to late 1800s due to political and economic unrest in Japan.

Between 1884 and 1908, 150,000 Japanese immigrated to Hawaii.

Many came over under agreements like those of indentured servants.

The 1908 Gentlemen’s Agreement and the 1924 National Origins Act were federal legislative actions geared at limiting Japanese immigration.

In 1922 the Supreme Court ruled that Japanese and other Asians were ineligible to become naturalized citizens

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec 1941 , Japanese Americans (1/8 Japanese ancestry) became the .topic of paranoia or profiling which resulted in the internment of over 120,000 Japanese at the direction of President Hoover’s Executive Order 9066 (National Security Threat – Enemy Aliens).

Those detained were young (3/4 under age 25), they lost their privacy, possessions, and freedom.

Some were even drafted to fight for the US.

Some researchers say racism was at play here; 90% of all Japanese Americans had been detained but no Germans or Italians went to relocation camps.

Japanese relocation centers were closed after three years and those detained were released but went home to find their possessions lost, stolen, or destroyed.

It is estimated that Japanese Americans lost 3.7 billion dollars during this time.

In 1988 the Civil Liberties Act authorized $20,000 in reparation payments to surviving detainees.


SOUTHEAST ASIANS – began entering the US as a result of the Viet Nam war.

They came over with very few possessions and many spoke no English making their transition extremely difficult.

The US government helped many come into the US but relocated them into cities with limited support and resources.

LEGISLATION – The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 eliminated race, national origin ,and ancestry quotas which lead to an increase of Asian immigrants.

The Information Group for Asian American Rights (TIGAAR) is a program implemented by the EEOC to educate employers and employees on employment law, rights, and responsibilities.


POPULATION – Asians make up 5% of the population

California has the largest Asian population followed by New York.


EDUCATION – Asian Americans have more education than other groups

Asians also are more likely not to have completed high school.

This speaks to the vast diversity among Asians.

They fall into two educational categories: Highly educated or Poorly educated

Voluntary immigrants tend to have more education whereas refugees (those fleeing their homeland) tend to have lower levels of education.

Asian return on educational investment is not the same as whites.

EMPLOYMENT – Asian unemployment rates are more similar to blacks and Latinos.

Asian Americans are impacted by underemployment and are pigeon-holed into certain jobs based on stereotypes (passive, non-confrontational, lacking communication skills, and leadership qualities).



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Discrimination is a serious issue in the contemporary society. In the law, prejudice is being unfair to another or being unequal to people according to their origin, race, tribe or defect. During the 1800s, Asian immigrants from other countries like Japan and China starting trickling into the United States………………………………….


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