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Describe rights of police officers and the development of police unions.

Describe rights of police officers and the development of police unions.

Describe rights of police officers and the development of police unions.
Many law enforcement agencies are now unionized, however, in the south; many are still “at will” employees. Unions have changed law enforcement in many different ways. They offer countless protections for employees and provide employees with labor agreements; however, some have criticized the development of unions for law enforcement.
Please respond to all of the following prompts :
Discuss some of the challenges law enforcement agencies that are not unionized, may face.
How do you feel about police departments having union protection versus not having union protection?
1 page


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Police officers have their own rights which should be respected by both the public and their superiors. In the course of their duties, their constitutional rights should be protected, just like any other citizens. If an officer goes against the law, they should be informed of any investigations being done against them………………………….


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