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Decline of Rural America

 Decline of Rural America

New Atlantis. (2007). Great cities: Rise of the megalopolis [Video]. Retrieved from the Films on Demand database.
(In order to complete this week’s discussion, “Decline of Rural America,” watch this video that discusses the formation of cities, associated changes in rural areas, and alternatives leading to higher quality of life.)



  1. Decline of Rural America

    After viewing the required video for this discussion, pick one of the following overlapping issues highlighted in this week’s readings to discuss:

    1. How does the corporatization of farming affect all Americans, not just those living in rural areas? What can you do about this?
    2. What is brain drain and what are its long-reaching effects on rural communities?  Be sure to include the terms stayers and achievers in your discussion. How could the community leaders make staying more attractive than leaving?
    3. Describe the positive and negative impacts of the growth of mega-cities. Will moving back to the country solve the social problems created by our move to the urban areas?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

……………Answer Preview…………………..Corporatization of farming has affected all Americans living in both rural and urban areas. In rural areas, communities are slowly dying due to the transformation of the area top an agricultural industry with factory farms. This is an opportunity for the people in rural areas because they are going to have plenty of food at their disposal and jobs are going to be available in the new farm factories. The risk is that there will be environmental pollution like noise and air from the factories (Sánchez & Rodríguez, 2007). In urban areas food is going to be in plenty because most lands in the rural areas are now productive. Jobs in the urban areas are going to reduce as most companies will move their investments to rural …………………


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