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How has learning about the DMAIC process informed your decision making

How has learning about the DMAIC process informed your decision making

How has learning about the DMAIC process informed your decision making when it comes to resolving organizational conflict?

I had a very solid foundation with the DMAIC process through my time in the military. I had the opportunity decision making to become Six Sigma certified and earn my Black Belt in this process. I did find that this course did help dig up the knowledge that was in there from before. It is very important to keep using these skills and processes, because you can lose the knowledge very easily.

What have you learned about yourself as a manager of organizational conflict? What will be your strengths in resolving conflicts? What weaknesses can you identify?

I have not learned anything that I didn’t already know about myself in organizational conflict. I always try to keep a level head and keep everyone working towards the same goal. I always try to prevent conflict, but despite best efforts, this is never going to be the case. When you work in an organization with different people, there are going to be differences in opinions and ways of thinking. The best that you can do is create an environment where people feel free to express themselves. I have always tried to run my sections in this way and still do so now. That is not to say that I shy away from conflict, but I will not let it bring the whole organization down with it.

How will you apply your learning to organizational conflict after the course concludes?

The information that I learned during this course, will help me with using the fishbone diagrams again. I had honestly forgot all about them. I would just use brainstorming and pro/con lists to start dissecting a particular issue. The fishbone diagram really helps to see the big picture and see how they are related to each other. It is sometimes hard to see how working on one particular part of a problem, affects the other parts. Sometimes you are not able to solve one part without addressing another. It also is helpful when the leaders in the organization want to see the progress your team is having. I have found that using these charts, and color coding them, is a great way to give a quick status at a glance.


Mitchell, B., & Gamlem, C. (2015). The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. Wayne, NJ. Career Press Inc.

here is another post from a student.

Brittany Duclos posted Sep 20, 2018 9:36 AM

Learning about the DMAIC process has greatly informed my decision-making process when it comes to resolving organizational conflict. Prior to this course, I did not have any knowledge of the DMAIC process or how it helps solve conflicts in organizations. Now that I know about the DMAIC process and how to use it effectively I have seen how the process could be used to solve some conflicts that my workplace has been experiencing recently. If the leaders of my police department utilize the DMAIC process they could effectively address the conflicts that have been occurring and improve the negative morale that has overtaken the department due to the conflicts.

By learning about the DMAIC process, I have learned that I am capable of identifying a conflict, using data to justify the conflict and create a solution to resolve the conflict. I have also learned how important it is to resolve conflict within an organization. This has become evident over the time of this course especially with the toxic environment that I deal with in my workplace and the failures of the leadership to address the problems. My strengths in resolving conflict are identifying the conflict and then communicating with others about the conflict. I have learned that communication is necessary throughout the entire DMAIC process and I have seen how a lack of communication can negatively affect the workplace. I think that as a manager of an organization I would do a good job of communicating with the other employees and identifying what the conflict is so that I can develop a solution to it. One weakness that I might encounter is during the measure phase because it might be difficult to develop data in some conflicts. In the instance for my workplace now, I would conduct surveys of the employees to get their opinions about the solution and better understand their opinions of the negative situations.

I will apply my learning of the organizational conflict after the course by using the DMAIC process and other tools that we learned to identify and address conflicts. At this stage in my career, I am a first line supervisor that has very little management responsibilities but I can use the DMAIC process when I am in charge to resolve conflicts that arise during those times.


Mitchell, B., & Gamlem, C. (2015). The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook. Wayne, NJ. Career Press Inc.


………………………Answer preview……………………

Hello Provencher, I like your post. You talk of how you applied DMAIC while you were in the military which is great. Actually, my understanding of military work is that people are supposed to be tactical in everything they do. Thus, I agree with you that DMAIC is a great tool for the military…………………………………..


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