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There are distinct differences between the terms “Deaf” and “deaf” within the Deaf community

There are distinct differences between the terms “Deaf” and “deaf” within the Deaf community

Deaf vs. deaf: There are distinct differences between the terms “Deaf” and “deaf” within the Deaf community. First, read through a few of the following articles:

Terminology Describing Deaf Individuals

Deaf Culture – Big D Small D

After you have a good idea of the difference between “Deaf” and “deaf,” discuss how you feel about this distinction. How does this fit in with any assumptions you had about the Deaf community? Do you feel that these terms symbolize pride in the community or is it some type of prejudice and segregation?

Answer preview to there are distinct differences between the terms “Deaf” and “deaf” within the Deaf community

There are distinct differences between the terms Deaf and deaf within the Deaf community
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