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Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share the data with an audience of your choice.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share the data with an audience of your choice.

Develop: Data Presentation

As a health care manager, you will have many opportunities to present data to various stakeholders in your organization. Understanding how to communicate this information effectively is a key skill for a manager.

Evaluation Title: Data Presentation

Collect data for any health care related topic.

You may use the CDC databases or other reliable sources.
Be sure to cite the source of your data.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share the data with an audience of your choice.

Include an introduction slide, summarizing the data collected, and who your audience is. This information is for your instructor to use as a background when assessing your presentation.
Illustrate your data using two different display methods (graph, pie chart, etc.)

As part of your presentation (included in speaker’s notes) explain to your audience which display method best represents the message behind the data presented.
Include speaker’s notes, recorded audio, or a separate transcript of the presentation speech.  For assistance with speaker notes or recording audio, utilize the following links:

Microsoft Support. (2018). Add speaker notes to a slide (Links to an external site.) [Website].
Microsoft Support. (2018). Record a slide show with narration and slide timings (Links to an external site.) [Website].
Include references (minimum of two) on a final slide in APA format

Answer preview to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share the data with an audience of your choice.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share the data with an audience of your choice.

8 slides

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