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How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their practice

How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their practice

How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their practice? Provide at least one example from each of the following four strategies: cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural repatterning, and cultural brokering.

Practicing cultural competence can be implemented into community health nursing with education on the community the nurse is serving, attendance of events different than her own, and open-mindedness to accepting that other cultures have both similarities and differences. In our text Maurer describes cultural competence as, “a complex integration of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, and encounters with those from cultures different from one’s own that enhances cross-cultural communication and the appropriateness and effectiveness of interactions with others (Maurer, 2013).” Cultural competence is more thank just being educated on the differences of other cultures, but rather the experience of them. Trying new foods, attending cultural events, shopping at local markets, and befriending someone different than your own cultural norm can help understand and expand ones understanding of that culture and give them another means to reexamine their own. I have found that cultural competence is a life long practice that promotes understanding and unity within a community. Cultural preservation allows us to support traditional cultural practices and their integration into everyday life of those living in the U.S. An example of this would be the celebration of Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) for those who identify as Hispanic and/or come from Latin America. The continuation of this practice helps preserve traditions from the past all while providing an opportunity to provide other with a chance to view life and death in a manner different than their own. Cultural accommodation is the process of taking on values and beliefs of their host culture and adapting to them in the public while maintain their native cultural practices at home. An example of which would be speaking the hosts’ language when in public or work settings, but reverting back toward their native language at home or with others of the same culture. Cultural re-patterning is the act of helping a patient adjust their personal behaviors to make safer life choices. One method of this would be teaching a parent the hazards of having an infant sleeping in bed with them. Cultural brokering is the act of using a commonality (often a 3rdparty individual) that would help negotiate differences between people of two different cultural backgrounds. The purpose of cultural brokering is meant to reduce conflict and provide an opportunity for positive change in both parties. One such example would be the use of a school social worker of a certain background to be the liaison to parents who might not understand school requirements for attendance, participation, and college preparation.

What is a possible barrier to applying the strategy/example chosen? Use an example that is different than the postings of other students. This example should include an evidence-based article that addresses a cultural issue. Response should include an APA reference.

One barrier in particular would be having a language barrier. Though the use of certified interpreters is often helpful, the language of one country could have differing dialects that may not translate well with those who are not from that specific region or community. This is easily depicted in the medical field on a daily basis. Medical staff often speak a language that is foreign to native English speakers with their use of medical terminology that is unfamiliar in the majority of the population. Add on an additional language barrier for non-native English speaking or those who require a translator and the difficulties are amplified. Research conducted by Graham and Brookey in 2008 concluded that patients with limited literacy skills have communication barriers that often go undetected and contribute to poorer outcomes.

Graham, S., & Brookey, J. (2008). Do patients understand? Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC30371…



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How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their practice


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