After watching the short video, I would have to agree that cultural behaviors are learned.
\”After watching the short video, I would have to agree that cultural behaviors are learned. I learned my cultural behaviors from my family, not in a way where they stopped and told me “Lexy, this is how you are supposed to act in front of society,” but rather in a way where I watched them react to other peoples opinions. A common behavior that has high value in my culture, would be to celebrate the Mexican Independence as a way to show that you are proud of your country. I have been misperceived in the past in my work culture. A couple years ago, I had gotten a full time job at a dealership, with that being said I was fairly young (18 years old) compared to the rest of the personnel there. One of my coworkers at the time told me not to worry about the “really hard stuff,” that he would take care of that. I believe the rest of them expected of me to be an immature teenager, but I ended up surprising them due to how well I exceeded at my position and how much better I was than others. I do not think my coworker meant it in a disrespectful way, but he thought I would probably be unable to handle the amount of work because I was new/unexperienced and also very young. I agree that people are multicultural, many people adapt new cultures every day whether they are trying out a new sport, or taking a music class. All of that plays a part in a culture that many people are unaware of. The culture that I happen to identify most with would be the Mexican culture. Most of us have been taught to associate “culture” with “ethnicity” because they resemble many traditions our family has had since we were little kids. Some benefits of this would be keeping traditions alive and influencing future generations, however, some consequences would be that it might conflict with racial structures for others. People can learn how to value members of a different ethnic group in the same sub-cultural group by simply taking the time to think that they are in that cultural group because they share similar values, chances are their purpose might be the same as yours.\”.
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