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Criminal laws

Criminal laws

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Criminal laws have been greatly influenced by English law, or common law. Common law was developed when the king of England appointed judges to rule on cases based upon the local customs; their opinions were written down, so that future judges could read them and follow the laws as previously established.

Indeed, England and the United States have so many legal differences that they are sometimes described as \\”two countries separated by a common law.\\” In the field of libel, U.S. practice is less strict than the English. In the United States, public figures cannot sue for honest but unfair and untrue criticisms of their activities, whereas in England published facts must be true and comments fair. Review this resource defining what stare decisis is.

The importance of common law begins and end with precedent. In a common law systemLaw Assignment Help, judges are obliged to make their rulings as consistent as reasonably possible with previous judicial decisions on the same subject. The Constitution accepted most of the English common law as the starting point for American law.

Using your course readings and the resources in this assignment, please answer the following questions.

  • In your opinion which country has the best common law in regards to libel? Explain
  • Do you believe precedent is important when a Judge is making a ruling? Why?

Requirements: 200 to 250 words

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