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The Miranda rights is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States

The Miranda rights is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States

The Miranda rights is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody before they are interrogated, to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings (Miranda Rights). These rights came about following a famous supreme court decision Miranda v. Arizona (Schmalleger 16) which took place in 1966 after a man by the name of Ernesto Miranda was convicted after confessing without have been told his rights to having a lawyer present (Miranda v. Arizona). Ever since this case, law enforcement officers must read a person their rights when they are taken into custody. The most famous right, often portrayed in TV shows reads “You have the right to remain silent.” This phrase is often cause for some controversy. Some people think that this right hampers police work and discourages law enforcement officers from doing their jobs. However, in my opinion this is a completely just and fair part of the American Justice System. All that this act is doing is informing someone of their rights, so that they are not incriminated for something that they are not on trial for. I believe that Miranda rights are a crucial part of our justice system, and it helps to keep our judicial system in check. In fact, there is scripture that talks about our justice system. Leviticus 19:15 says, ““You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.” With this in mind, we should protect these rights and remember their purpose.

Works cited

The Bible. New International Version, Biblica, 2011.

Miranda rights. (n.d.) TheFreeDictionary.com. (2018). Retrieved September 20 2018 from https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Miranda+rights

Miranda v. Arizona. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. April 06, 2018. https://www.britannica.com/event/Miranda-v-Arizona

Schmalleger, F. (2019). Criminal justice today: An introductory text for the twenty-first century. NY, NY: Pearson.



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