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Briefly discuss the theorist’s credentials.

Briefly discuss the theorist’s credentials.

In this brief Journal Article Review Assignment paper, you will discuss the following
? Briefly discuss the theorist’s credentials.
? Briefly discuss the artifact they’re studying. What is the exact thing they’re examining?
? What filter/methodology are they using?
? Is the study qualitative or quantitative?
? Discuss the scope of the article.
? What part(s) of the communication model are they addressing?
? What was interesting about the article?
This Journal Article Review Assignment should be at least 500 words and follow the current
APA guidelines.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Paper Format: APA

Answer preview to Briefly discuss the theorist’s credentials.

Briefly discuss the theorist's credentials.


728 words

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