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Court systems

court systems

Court systems: Create a job aid, such as a Venn diagram or chart, for a criminal justice organization that has interstate operations, in which you compare different state criminal codes. Select two states and research their criminal codes online or through other resources. Compare the chosen states on the following topics regarding their criminal codes: • How each state adheres to the adversarial system described • How each state defines the elements of a crime • The rights of the accused • The process after a crime has been committed through post arrest procedures for each state • How due process applies to each state chosen • The federal and state laws that support due process Format your job aid consistent with APA guidelines.




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Most of the states in the US have different criminal codes. The state of California uses different criminal codes in its justice system that is different from that of the New York State. The criminal justice systems from both countries have the same objective of controlling criminals and crime. The system employs different penal systems, law enforcement structures and court systems………………….


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