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Counseling suffering people

How can/should I counsel suffering people?

Is the point of counseling to remove all suffering?  Why or why not?

 integrate both psychology and theology.

Remember the 80/20 rule.  80% you– with critical thinking applied, backed up with 20% (no more than that!) scholarly  material and Scripture. Both are needed. Personal experience is welcomed, but must be balanced.

You need an APA reference list underneath your posts. Please make sure that you interpret and apply the Bible verse(s) correctly. If you are not sure, please check a reliable Bible commentary or get some help.







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Suffering is a common human experience which occurs in the day to day activities. It leads to great pain and stress which may lead to serious diseases like high blood pressure if not handled carefully. Couseling of the affected people makes them feel relieved after sharing their problems with their counselors.

            Counseling requires specific steps for it to be effective. It’s argued that a good counselor should first listen to the persons concerns to identify the origin of the suffering that particular person is undergoing. Unnecessary lecturing should…


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