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What types of therapy might help this client stay on track

What types of therapy might help this client stay on track

Foundations of counseling discussion 3

Your manager asks you to see a client who appears to be decompensating. He has stopped coming to the center and his wife asks you for assistance. She says he is not eating, sleeps all day and rarely gets out of the house. He is talking gibberish to himself and mumbles profanities. She is afraid that he may harm her or their 3-year-old child. She further tells you she thinks he may be doing drugs but does not know which ones. She says the last time he was like this he attempted suicide through overdosing on his psych meds. He takes Ritalin for adult ADHD.

What is your first priority in this case? Why?

What type of treatment would you suggest? Why?

What types of therapy might help this client stay on track? Why?

When responding to other postings pick a different position than the person you are engaging in the discussion

State 2 reasons you might agree and 2 reasons you might not agree with their response.

Responses should be thoughtful, substantive and promote further discussion on the topic

Be respectful and professional

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What types of therapy might help this client stay on track

321 words

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