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Costing Methods

Costing Methods

In a 1or 2 full page paper, please complete the following:

  • Review the financial statements from Apple company you chose in week one.
  • Discuss the types of costing method(s)(Job Ordering Costing and Process Costing) the company uses. Give 1-2 examples of each method presented.
  • Discuss why you believe these costing method(s) are appropriate for the products manufactured.
  • Be sure that the paper has no spelling or grammatical errors.







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The two main types of costing methods used are the process costing and the job order costing. Apple is a manufacturing company and it concentrates on making high end electronic products. These differ from mobile phones to computers and this brings the need for the different accounting method. The first of this is the process costing. This is a method that the company uses when accounting for the cost…..


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