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Examining a Contract

Examining a Contract

Assignment Details: 5-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Examining a Contract

For this milestone, you will analyze a contract and interpret how specific elements are addressed throughout that contract. Refer to the final project scenario as needed. The assignment rubric contains all of the critical elements you need to include in your paper.

To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric, Final Project Scenario PDF document, and the Software License Customization Maintenance Agreement Word document.

BUS 250 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
In your first milestone, you identified what Middletown Hospital is trying to accomplish, and you described some potential issues and concerns. For this milestone, you will look at a preliminary contract and summarize how different elements are addressed in the contract. This will prepare you for your final project, where you will combine your findings from Milestones One and Two to make recommendations for negotiations.

For this assignment, you will analyze this sample contract and how specific elements are addressed throughout that contract. Refer to the final project scenario as necessary.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Contractual Analysis
Briefly explain your interpretation of how intellectual property is addressed within the contract, and justify your interpretation with specific examples.
Briefly explain your interpretation of how indemnification is addressed within the contract, and justify your interpretation with specific examples.
Briefly explain your interpretation of how source code escrow is addressed within the contract, and justify your interpretation with specific examples.
Briefly explain your interpretation of how warranties are addressed within the contract, and justify your interpretation with specific examples.
Briefly explain your interpretation of how maintenance is addressed within the contract, and justify your interpretation with specific examples.
What to Submit
Your paper must be submitted as a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You should use at least two sources, which should be cited according to APA style.

Paper Format: APA

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Examining a Contract


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