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What role does politics play on consumer spending

What role does politics play on consumer spending

My chosen brand is H&M

In today’s high consumer engagement, many companies will take an innovative approach and seek SWOT input from their customers to add a unique voice to their analysis through social media. Based upon the research of your brand, answer the following:

Format in sectioned bullet list  OR in a tradition SWOT grid, answer the following:

Strength:What are the overall positive attributes of your selected company?

Weakness:What does the company need to execute to be more competitive in social media?

Opportunity: What changes can positively impact your company?

Threats: What future developments or social media changes could impact your brand?



If a PEST analysis involves analyzing forces we have little or no control over, why bother considering them at all? To answer this question, a PEST analysis encourages management to carefully study what is happening in the environments that encapsulate their business.

The PEST analysis is a useful tool to understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to assess the market for a company.

Format in sectioned bullet list  OR in a tradition PEST grid, answer the following:

Political: What role does politics play on consumer spending?

Economic:What is the economic environment?

Social: What are the social and cultural influences that shape consumer attitudes?

Technological: How does technology impact brand communication?


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What role does politics play on consumer spending


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