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Do private organizations sometimes have constitutions

Do private organizations sometimes have constitutions

The purpose of this assignment is to read and understand the predominant purpose of the United States Constitution. Step One: Read the Constitution of the United States (Links to an external site.).(There is a transcript and high-resolution scans of the original document at the National Archives website.)Step Two: Respond to the following questions in essay format: What is a constitution?  How many constitutions are there in the United States?  Does every country have a constitution?  Do cities and counties have constitutions?  Do private organizations sometimes have constitutions? What seems to be the predominant purposes of the United States Constitution? How is constitutional law different from statutory law, administrative law, and common law? What benefits come from a nation having a written constitution? Are there disadvantages in having a written constitution such as ours?  If so, what might they be? Step Three: Write an essay of around 500 words (excluding the word count from the title and reference pages) using APA formatting.  All papers will be graded for content, clarity, grammar/spelling, and appropriate use of APA formatting guidelines.  A minimum of two references must be utilized.

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Do private organizations sometimes have constitutions


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