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The five models of conflict resolution in the Thomas-Kilmann instrument

The five models of conflict resolution in the Thomas-Kilmann instrument

Students will learn the five models of conflict resolution in the Thomas-Kilmann instrument, and other models such as the PIN model, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) model, mediation model, and their respective merits and limitations.

Based on the required reading resources for this week and other resources, you accessed in personal research, in a minimum of 2 pages, explain the five models of conflict resolution illustrated in the Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument. Provide strengths and weaknesses for each model.
Your assignment must be written in standard edited English per the APA guidelines.
Be sure to support your work with at least two high-quality references, including at least one from peer-reviewed journals accessed through the Herzing University Library or other sources.
Your assignment should show the effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations.

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The five models of conflict resolution in the Thomas-Kilmann instrument

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