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Marketing plays an important role in the growth of an organization and its ability to create and sustain a competitive advantage.

Marketing plays an important role in the growth of an organization and its ability to create and sustain a
competitive advantage.

Assignment 1… The focus would be the Property Tax Estimator.

If the book Framework for Marketing is available please use that as well. As the book will be needed in order to answer the below question as well.

Marketing plays an important role in the growth of an organization and its ability to create and sustain a
competitive advantage. Unfortunately, some organizations undertake marketing initiatives without a clear idea of what they want to achieve, how their offerings stack up to those of their competitors, and how they will measure success.
For this assignment, you will assume the role of a leader of a business unit or product group. You believe
there is significant untapped market potential for the products or services you manage and you want to
approach a “senior decision maker” for support. This could be the Chief Marketing Officer of the
organization or it could be a venture capital firm or bank from which you are seeing funding. Knowing that your audience is busy, and is regularly being approach by other leaders and managers seeking support for their ideas, you recognize you will need a strong and compelling pitch.
You decide to draft a brief Executive Memo outlining your ideas for marketing. Your memo will need to
strike the right balance of being short and focused, but also providing enough detail to demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about. You recognize that simply saying you “want to increase sales by 15% next quarter” isn’t what this is about. Your objective in this initial outreach is to identify general marketing goals the company should be focusing on and to get the support you need.
Leveraging what you have been learning in the first three weeks of your JWI-518 Marketing in a Global
Environment course at JWMI (including the first three chapters of the textbook, course lecture notes and
external resources including, but not limited to, the company website), you decide to organize your memo
into three parts:
1. Marketing Goals
2. Marketing Research
3. Marketing Metrics



Answer preview to marketing plays an important role in the growth of an organization and its ability to create and sustain a competitive advantage.

Marketing plays an important role in the growth of an organization and its ability to create and sustain a competitive advantage.

1362 words

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