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Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning

Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning

Write a 2–3-page essay incorporating the following: Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning and explain how you could impact behavior with each in your case study example.

  • Outline the procedure that was utilized in your case study and explain which type of conditioning would be best for your example and why.
  • Discuss how experiments in the history of psychology might have laid the foundation of modern day APA ethical principles.
  • Discuss how each of the modern day APA ethical principles might have been shaped by experiments conducted in the history of psychology.
  • Provide specific examples of how historical experiments, such as those conducted by John Watson and Mary Cover Jones, have either complied with or violated modern day APA ethical standards.

Answer Preview on Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning

Classical and operant conditioning are significant psychological concepts that influence behavior. They both have a learning outcome but have different approaches to facilitate learning. Classical and operant conditioning were founded by two psychologists, Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner, who were interested in understanding the learning process. Learning is the deed of obtaining new or advancing and increasing current behavior, knowledge, values, and skills and may comprise making of distinct…..

Compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning


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