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Pick a company within the Hospitality industry to be the consultant coming in to develop a plan to save the tanking business

Pick a company within the Hospitality industry to be the consultant coming in to develop a plan to save the tanking business

1. Pick a company within the Hospitality industry to be the consultant coming in to develop a plan to save the tanking business. You have 12-months to implement your plan (think Hotel Impossible/Bar Rescue/Restaurant Impossible – view those shows if needed). Creativity and current trends can be very helpful.

An example, I will include was a failing restaurant located in Sanibel Island (Doc Fords) was about to go under financially, so the owner was going to sell…a consultant came in a created a theme for the restaurant and tied in an annual fishing tournament based off a book series from a local famous fiction author. The restaurant is now a booming success and has multiple locations on the island. 

For your plan, you will need to create the following with the attached worksheet:

Patron Profile [before you can fix and save a company…you will need to completely understand their target customers]

Prospect Brainstorm 

Prospect Master List with prepared follow-up

2. PRESENTATION: After you have completed the worksheet, create a Powerpoint with the following slides [MIN 16 Slides – MAX 21 Slides]:

Introduction of the company/Current Issues

Proposed plan to increase revenue (should be several tactics, not just one; also specify exact goal of increase)

Patron Profile [before you can fix and save a company…you will need to completely understand their target customers]

Prospect Brainstorm 

Prospect Master List with prepared follow-up

Timeline of tactic roll-out

Forecasted Budget for new revenue stream (with considering expenses)

Future growth maintenance plan [where do you see this going in 1 – 3 – 5 years]

Answer preview to Pick a company within the Hospitality industry to be the consultant coming in to develop a plan to save the tanking business

Pick a company within the Hospitality industry to be the consultant coming in to develop a plan to save the tanking business

17 slides

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