community mental health clinic
Suppose you are a crisis worker in a community mental health clinic setting. You are seeing a young man, Dale, for the first time. While taking the case history, Dale reveals to you that he has a long history of heroin use. He discloses he recently found out that he is HIV positive. Dale admits to openly sharing needles with others and engaging in promiscuous sexual behavior. He says he has been in a long-term relationship with his high school sweetheart and she is unaware of his multiple sexual partners, as well as his recent diagnosis. Dale is uncertain what his next steps should be and has come to the clinic for guidance.
- Asses a crisis worker\’s responsibilities in the area of confidentiality.
- Evaluate your concerns in terms of the moral, ethical or legal implications of this case.
The hybrid model of crisis intervention is an integrated problem solving process to crisis intervention that does not follow in a linear, step-wise fashion. Overarching all tasks is safety-not only for the client, but for others and the worker as well. Making initial contact in a crisis is not always easy. The designated predispositioning, engaging, and initiating contact are primary tasks that were developed to lay the foundation for the intervention to follow. Problem exploration includes affective, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions of the current crisis (Gilliland & James, 2013, pg. 72).
- Please review the Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention.
- View this video to aid in identifying how the tasks were demonstrated.
Upload and submit a Word document identifying how the following initial tasks were demonstrated in the video:
- Predispositioning/engaging/initiating contact
- Problem exploration
- Providing support
- Examining alternatives
- Planning
- Obtaining commitment
- Follow-up
Part 3
As we’ve discussed, crisis workers are faced with the possibility of violent behavior and the need to ensure the safety of clients and significant others. Using Tarasoff v. the Regents of the University of California, analyze what you think the critical errors were in this case and how the situation may have been avoided.
Part 4How do you feel being aware of the different aspects of confidentiality (i.e. moral, ethical, and legal requirements) will impact you during your work within the human services field? Is there any component related to confidentiality you feel is more relevant in your work and/or you need more information on in order to avoid any potential pitfalls?-
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