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Community Health

Community Health
Researching the health issues on your community.


Community Health Nursing

Clinical Application Project/Community Health Project Part II


Purpose:  The purpose of this clinical application project is to allow students the opportunity to refine the planning process and implement and evaluate the interventions designed to address the health needs of the chosen population within their community.  This is an independent assignment.

Task:  As you continue working with the population identified in Part I of this project you will refine the plan and continue with the implementation and evaluation phases of the nursing process as it is applied to your population.  To be successful with this project you will  implement your interventions and evaluate the outcomes.

There is an 8 page maximum limit on this paper.


Nursing Diagnoses- Discuss health problems identified in the assessment phase (Part I) with rationale for selection with resources provided.  Please use traditional nursing diagnosis format.  Please make sure your diagnoses are community oriented and incorporate the community assessment data.

Priority diagnosis- Identify a priority nursing diagnosis with sound rationale and EBP support. Identify an overall goal and specific and measurable objectives.

Interventions- Describe interventions necessary to accomplish objectives. Include consideration of interventions at each systems level (Review Text p 155) where appropriate.  Select and validate intervention(s) with highest probability of success. Include use of existing or developed resources.


Planned Interventions- Identify one intervention at appropriate level (primary, secondary or tertiary) and support intervention with EBP.

Literature -Please identify 5 acceptable resources to support your planned interventions.

Barriers-Identify barriers and discuss remediation.


Planning- Develop an evaluation plan that addresses achievement of objectives as stated to include processes and rationales.

Limitations- Discuss limitations relative to the evaluation process or tool used and suggestions for resolution.

Recommendations- Address recommendations for further action based upon evaluation and communicate to appropriate individuals.

Implications- Discuss the implications for Community Health Nursing.


Appropriate APA formatting using APA 6th edition, correct grammar and spelling are expected.


This discussion should not exceed 6-8 pages excluding title page and reference page, should be doubled spaced and follow APA 6th edition guidelines. Proper grammar and syntax is expected

All statements should be supported with professional literature. A minimum of 5 sources other than course textbook are required.  Use of material from websites should be judicious ** Keep in mind that when you use/cite a source you are identifying the author as an expert worthy of being cited.  Lay person web sites and blogs are generally not appropriate for use in professional discussions.

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…………………Answer preview…………………

 Nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment on an individual’s health status made by a nurse or a medical practitioner. From the case of Virginia Beach, it was noted that the primary health problem that affected the area was the heart disease. However, it was also seen that other health problems were associated with the heart disease like high blood pressure and excessive fluids in the heart……………………

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