Create an inclusive learning environment for all students within the Universal Arts
Given the following scenario, describing how you will prepare all stakeholders for success in helping to create an inclusive learning environment for all students within the Universal Arts (music class, art class, physical education class)—creating a Lesson Plan.
A new primary-aged Autistic Support Classroom. Students receiving this type of service at the Supplemental level are developing their foundational communication skills and social skills.
The school team has a vision of ensuring inclusive Universal Arts classes.
This is a new practice, and the stakeholders will need supporting.
Stakeholders to Consider:
Students receiving Autistic Support Services Parents Autistic Support Paraprofessionals Universal Arts General Education Teachers (Music, Art, Phys. Ed)
Students not receiving Special Education Services Administrators Components to Consider:
Roles & Responsibilities Accommodations / Modifications Training Data Collection Partnership & Collaboration