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Differentiate between different communication networks and standards

Differentiate between different communication networks and standards

Differentiate between different communication networks and standards (LAN, VPN, NIST, HL7), and explain various internet technologies and standards (SGML, XML, Intranet/Extranet).

Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. 

  • Choose one of the classification systems from topics 4 & 5 and provide a summary of the system, why it is used, and why it is important for healthcare to have standardized systems.
  • Your summary should be at least 250 words and use sources to support your information.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Unit 4 Topic 1 – Benefits Expectation and Metrics


When considering the EHR for the organization, the expected benefits should be clearly determined and used to gauge the different records.  Is the main goal to meet governmental standards for data exchange?  Or are they to reduce errors and increase patient outcomes?  The leadership team needs to determine what benefits they expect, how these benefits will be measured, and then use the benefits as a guide to move through options before deciding on the EHR that will be implemented. 

Identify: Benefits of EHRs

Even though the push for EHR implementation was in the early to mid-2000’s, organizations should still focus on the benefits of their EHR.  Most EHR programs will come with reporting functions that allow for the creation of different reports to show performance.  Read Evaluating EHR Systems

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Discover: Planning for Migration

Once the system has been determined and the process begun, the next step is to plan for chart migration which involves moving the paper-based charts into the new EHR format.  Read What is Chart Migration?  How Do I Plan for Chart Migration

Explore: Metrics

As with any process, metrics are vital to the performance of the EHR.  How can the organization determine if the EHR is working as expected, and what areas should be focused on?  Review the presentation Electronic Health Records and Performance Metrics

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Once the expected benefits for the EHR are determining, leadership can process the best choice and move forward with the planning.  These benefits should be maintained throughout the implementation process to ensure that the EHR is working as expected.   Performance metrics should be analyzed regularly to make certain the EHR is performing.

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Britten, T. (2013). Electronic health records and performance metrics. https://ndiastorage.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/ndia/2013/system/TH16124_Britten.pdf

Healthcare Innovation. (2010). Evaluating EHR systemshttps://www.hcinnovationgroup.com/home/article/13002940/evaluating-ehr-systems

HealthIT. (n.d.). What is chart migration? How do I plan for chart migration? What is chart migration? How do I plan for chart migration? | HealthIT.gov

What is chart migration? How do I plan for chart migration? | HealthIT.gov

The process of moving data from your existing paper records to your electronic health record (EHR) is called cha…

Unit 4 Topic 1 – Benefits Expectation and Metrics


When considering the EHR for the organization, the expected benefits should be clearly determined and used to gauge the different records.  Is the main goal to meet governmental standards for data exchange?  Or are they to reduce errors and increase patient outcomes?  The leadership team needs to determine what benefits they expect, how these benefits will be measured, and then use the benefits as a guide to move through options before deciding on the EHR that will be implemented. 

Identify: Benefits of EHRs

Even though the push for EHR implementation was in the early to mid-2000’s, organizations should still focus on the benefits of their EHR.  Most EHR programs will come with reporting functions that allow for the creation of different reports to show performance.  Read Evaluating EHR Systems

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Discover: Planning for Migration

Once the system has been determined and the process begun, the next step is to plan for chart migration which involves moving the paper-based charts into the new EHR format.  Read What is Chart Migration?  How Do I Plan for Chart Migration

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Explore: Metrics

As with any process, metrics are vital to the performance of the EHR.  How can the organization determine if the EHR is working as expected, and what areas should be focused on?  Review the presentation Electronic Health Records and Performance Metrics

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Once the expected benefits for the EHR are determining, leadership can process the best choice and move forward with the planning.  These benefits should be maintained throughout the implementation process to ensure that the EHR is working as expected.   Performance metrics should be analyzed regularly to make certain the EHR is performing.

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Britten, T. (2013). Electronic health records and performance metrics. https://ndiastorage.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/ndia/2013/system/TH16124_Britten.pdf

Healthcare Innovation. (2010). Evaluating EHR systemshttps://www.hcinnovationgroup.com/home/article/13002940/evaluating-ehr-systems

HealthIT. (n.d.). What is chart migration? How do I plan for chart migration? https://www.healthit.gov/faq/what-chart-migration-how-do-i-plan-chart-migration

Unit 4 Topic 3 – Feasibility Studies


A feasibility study involves assessing the relevant factors of the project including financial, technical, legal, and organizational considerations to determine if the project can be successful.  This involves considering the market, which for this course is a healthcare organization, the product which is the EHR, and the technological aspect including the HIM and IT departments.   

Identify: Benefits Realization Management Framework

This video builds upon the benefits realization management framework which was introduced in a previous topic.  This framework helps managers determine the benefits of the project and how they will be realized.  Watch Benefits Realization Management Framework. 

Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes

Explore: Feasibility Study

This video examines a feasibility study in more depth to show how they can be used by project managers to analyze the project under consideration.  Watch How to Conduct a Feasibility Study – Project Management Training. 

Estimated time to complete: 6 minutes

Examine: Cost-Benefit Analysis

Another analysis that should be used is the cost-benefit analysis.  This involves determining the potential outcomes as compared to the costs associated with the project.  Is it financially sound to pursue this project as the expected outcomes will be greater or less?  Read Cost-Benefit Analysis

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What Is Cost-Benefit Analysis, How Is it Used, What Are its Pros and Cons?

A cost-benefit analysis is a process used to measure the benefits of a decision or taking action minus the costs…


Studies and analyses should be conducted on all proposed projects to determine if they are feasible, achieve the expected benefits and reap the costs associated with implementation.  If any of these studies or analyses are negative, the leadership team will need to take a step back and redetermine the best course of action. 

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Hayes, A. (2021). Cost-benefit analysis. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cost-benefitanalysis.asp

PMC Lounge. (2017). Benefits realization management framework [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/thj6tTLcBfY

ProjectManager. (2018). How to conduct a feasibility study – project management training [Video]. YouTube. How to Conduct a Feasibility Study – Project Management Training

How to Conduct a Feasibility Study – Project Management Training

Unit 4 Topic 4 – Pathways to EHR Implementation


This topic will introduce three aspects to EHR implementation: goal-setting, presenting to stakeholders, and building a consensus.  As with any large-scale project, work must be done prior to the implementation to show why the project is being proposed and to obtain approval of those stakeholders involved in the process.  This consensus then shows the organization as a whole that the leadership is committed to the project and the successful implementation.

Identify: Goal-Setting Process

The goal-setting process can be used for individual goals all the way up to organizational goals.  Having a framework can help outline the goals and create a strong plan for moving forward.  Creating goals can be as simple as these seven steps: identification, benefits, obstacles, skills, people, plan and timeline.  Read Zig Ziglar’s Seven Steps of Goal Setting: Creating Better Goals

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Explain: Presenting to Stakeholders

Next comes the presentation to stakeholders, or those who will make the final decision.  This can be a nerve-wracking aspect of the project but when properly presented, can clearly show the stakeholders the rationale and reasoning they should approve the project.  Read Presenting to Project Stakeholders: 10 Tips to Effective Communication

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Discover: Building Consensus

The final aspect is to build consensus – this means that the presentation provided the information needed for the stakeholders to come to a decision regarding the project.  Watch Building Consensus for EHR. 

Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes


Any project should be based upon goals, so setting strong goals is a key aspect of planning.  Then presenting the plan and goals to the stakeholders allows for the communication of the project and allows time for questions and other potential issues to be eliminated.  Finally, building a consensus will then allow the project to move forward with stakeholder support.

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Kiisel, T. (n.d.). Presenting to project stakeholders: 10 tips to effective communication. https://www.projectmanagement.com/blog-post/2298/Presenting-to-Project-Stakeholders–10-Tips-to-Effective-Communication

MsSpiderHands. (2012). Building consensus for EHR [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/20a0rqxJszw

World of Work Project. (n.d.). Zig Ziglar’s seven steps of goal setting: Create better goalshttps://worldofwork.io/2019/07/zig-ziglars-seven-steps-of-goal-setting/

Unit 4 Topic 5 – EHR Planning and Strategic Planning


As a reminder, strategic planning is the organization’s processes of creating and defining a strategy to focus on long-term goals.  Usually a strategic plan involves goals such as implementing an EHR, or other large-scale projects.  As most organizations have already implemented an EHR, this final topic will show how the EHR can support the strategic planning for the organization. 

Identify: What\’s Next?

Over 90% of facilities have implemented an EHR and are currently using for daily operations.  With this large-scale project behind them, organizations need to look forward as to how the EHR can support other strategic goals such as analytics, public health and other IT strategies.  Read Strategic Planning in a Post-EHR Industry

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Explain: Optimizing the EHR

Another aspect of post-EHR implementation is understanding the program and how it can optimize organizational goals.  Depending on how the implementation occurred, often the organization is faced with potential updates and additional costs to improve the EHR.  Read Beyond Implementation: Optimizing EHRs to Realize Results

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Discover: Evaluating EHRs Post-Implementation

As with any project implementation, post-implementation evaluation needs to regularly occur to ensure the product works appropriately and is returning the expected benefits.  These evaluations can help improve workflows and help realize goals.  Reach How Do I Conduct a Post-Implementation Evaluation

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How do I conduct a post-implementation evaluation? | HealthIT.gov

Evaluating your electronic health record (EHR) implementation is a critical EHR implementation step. Conducting …


While the adoption and implementation of the EHR is a huge project, it does not end when the switch is turned on.  Regular evaluations of how the product is working can help organizations optimize their systems and continue to grow.

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Fargnoli, R. (2017). Beyond implementation: Optimizing EHRs to realize resultshttps://www.bizjournals.com/boston/news/2017/03/01/beyond-implementation-optimizing-ehrs-to-realize.html

HealthIT. (n.d.). How do I conduct a post-implementation evaluation? https://www.healthit.gov/faq/how-do-i-conduct-post-implementation-evaluation

Matejka, R. (2017). Strategic planning in a post-EHR Industryhttps://www.healthcarebusinessinsights.com/blog/information-technology/strategic-planning-post-ehr-industry/

Unit 5 Topic 2 – Process Mapping


Process mapping involves all activities relating to the functioning of the organization.  What the organization does, who is responsible and the standards for success are all aspects of process mapping.  Process mapping is usually done via flowcharts to visually show the work being done.

Identify: Process Mapping

This video provides an introduction to process mapping.  While this is an introductory look, it outlines the basis of process mapping to familiarize professionals with the process.  Watch Introduction to Process Mapping. 

Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes

Discover: Process Mapping Lean Six Sigma

This video shows how process mapping can be combined with the concepts of lean six sigma to reduce delays and ensure completion.  Watch Lean Six Sigma-Process Mapping. 

Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes

Explain: Six Sigma

Six sigma and lean six sigma are techniques and tools used in the process improvement process.  There are many organizations that provide training and certification for these techniques.  Go Lean Six Sigma is a nationally-recognized organization that provides modules for certification at three levels: yellow belt, green belt and black belt.  Review the courses at Go Lean Six Sigma

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Yellow Belt Training & Certification | GoLeanSixSigma.com

Yellow Belt Training & Certification is an online, high-level, awareness course that teaches you the fundamental…


Process mapping can help leadership see how all activities are functioning within the organization.  Taking the workflow and mapping it out visually can help identify areas for focus and improvement, as well as showing how each individual and department align to create the outputs of the organization. 

Estimated time to complete topic: 45 minutes


EpicProcesses. (2016). Introduction to process mapping [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBnz3gSC8X4

Go Lean Six Sigma. (n.d.). Want to train your team? https://goleansixsigma.com/

MillerLight90. (2012). Lean six-sigma process mapping [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLMlYZ69gbE

Unit 5 Topic 3 – Process Assessment


Process assessment involves monitoring the activities being completed daily within the organization to identify areas that need attention.  This assessment can be conducted by managers or other specialists, and the results are used to fix broken or poor processes. 

Identify: Why Process Assessment?

Process assessment helps identify processes that may not be working correctly, or malfunctioning.  Processes can include all activities related to operations, so they can be personnel, equipment, technology and other aspects of operations.  Read Before You Can Fix a Broken Process, You Need a Process Assessment

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Explore: Business Process Analysis

This article examines how a business process analysis can be used to examine internal processes to find improvement opportunities.  Read What is Business Process Analysis? A Methodology for Improving Process

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Examine: Process Assessment Tools

There are many different assessment tools that can be used, both internally developed ones and external companies that provide software packages.  It can be quite difficult to determine the best tool to use, so research is needed.  Read Assessment Tools: The Ultimate Guide to Select the Right Assessment Tool

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Process assessment looks at the activities included in workflow to determine areas for improvement.  Often, things work well enough but small tweaks could be made to improve the overall outcomes.  Process assessment helps managers and leaders identify these areas for focus and improvement. 

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Nelen, S. (2020). Assessment tools: The ultimate guide to select the right assessment toolhttps://surveyanyplace.com/blog/assessment-tools-the-ultimate-guide/

Ujvagi, T. (2018). Before you can fix a broken process, you need a process assessmenthttps://centricconsulting.com/blog/getting-started-what-is-a-process-assessment-and-why_pex/

White, S. (2021). What is business process analysis? A methodology for improving processhttps://www.cio.com/article/3608753/what-is-business-process-analysis-a-methodology-for-improving-process.html#:~:text=Business%20process%20analysis%20(BPA)%20is,to%20align%20with%20business%20goals.

Unit 5 Topic 4 – Functional Needs Assessment


A functional needs assessment is a way for organizations to monitor processes to determine the levels of efficiency.  This assessment basically benchmarks the current state against the desired state to identify areas for improvement.  This tool is used in all businesses as a way to monitor processes and outcomes. 

Identify: Needs Assessment

The functional needs assessment can be a valuable tool for organizations to monitor performance and identify areas for focus and improvement.  Read Needs Assessment: Definition, Overview and Examples

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Explain: How to Conduct a Needs Assessment

There are three main parts to a needs assessment: initiation, data collection and analysis, and final product.  Once an area is identified for assessment, the first step of initiation is to create a proposal or plan to move forward.  Second is to gather data and analyze to determine the factors impacting the process.  Lastly, the new process will be launched and monitored.  Read How to Conduct Needs Assessment Part 1 – What Is It and Why Do It

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How to Conduct Needs Assessment Part 1: What is it and why do it? – NC S…

What is Needs Assessment? Needs assessment is a process for determining an organization’s needs and gaps in know…

Discover: Needs Assessment

This video provides an overview of conducting a needs assessment.  Knowing the current state and the desired state can then help leadership and managers plan for improvement and better outcomes.  Watch What is Needs Assessment? What Does Needs Assessment Mean? Needs Assessment Meaning & Explanation. 

Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes


A functional needs assessment helps an organization gauge current performance to the desired state or outcome.  This can then help plan for improvement activities and other tools to increase the overall performance of the organization and processes. 

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Indeed. (2021). Needs assessment: Definition, overview and examples. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/needs-assessment

NC State. (2017). How to conduct needs assessment part 1 – what is it and why do it? https://www.ies.ncsu.edu/blog/how-to-conduct-needs-assessment-part-1-what-is-it-and-why-do-it/

Unit 5 Topic 5 – Improvement Theories & Tools


This final topic will look at some of the quality and performance improvement tools that can be used once the processes are assessed and the needs assessment completed.  There are three main tools that are used throughout healthcare and other businesses: Lean, Six Sigma and Kaizen.

Identify: Lean

The Lean performance improvement method is based on four principles: focus on value, process guidance, teamwork and continuous improvement.  Lean was used by Toyota in the late 1980’s to decrease the waste associated with mass production and streamline processes.  The goal is to maximize customer value while reducing waste.  Read What is Lean

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Explain: Six Sigma

Six Sigma is another performance improvement method that focuses on eliminating defects and improving processes.  It was used by Motorola in the 1980s to improve performance.  While Lean focuses on reducing waste, Six Sigma uses statistics and data to review and limit mistakes or errors.  Read Six Sigma

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Discover: Kaizen

The Kazien focus is based upon Japanese business philosophies on continuous improvement involving all employees.  By creating a stronger team atmosphere and engaging employees, everyday processes and procedures will be improved, and outcomes will be positive.  Read Kazien

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Kaizen: Understanding the Japanese Business Philosophy

Kaizen is a Japanese business philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement and involves all employees. Kaiz…


These three methodologies are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to performance and quality improvement.  The methods can be as simple as using flowcharts and check sheets or use a theory such as one of the three discussed above.  There are many other theories and methodologies that can be used depending on the organization and their focus. 

Estimated time to complete topic: 1 hour


Business Performance Improvement. (n.d.). What is lean? https://www.biz-pi.com/what-is-lean/

Hardgrave, M. (2021). Kaizenhttps://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/kaizen.asp#:~:text=Kaizen%20is%20a%20Japanese%20term,a%20gradual%20and%20methodical%20process.

Kindness, D. (2021). Six sigmahttps://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/six-sigma.asp

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Differentiate between different communication networks and standards


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