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Collaboration is the only way to achieve a compliance with Alma to receive her permission for the future intervention

Collaboration is the only way to achieve a compliance with Alma to receive her permission for the future intervention

Kellie Blackwelder
1 posts
Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

Ms. Alma Faulkenberger being an older lady that feels threatened by the way that she was approached about her appointment. It seems that she has had issues in the past with people mispronouncing her name or even saying she has a hearing problem. With the patient expressing her frustration about the issues, it would be important for the patient to receive an appropriate apology and to establish a rapport with Ms. Alma. It will be nearly impossible to provide teaching. The teaching plan should include approaching her in a nonthreatening manner to ensure she will listen or be receptive to the teaching. The teaching plan should include the teacher sitting with Alma with a printed handout on large lettering. The teacher should go over the procedure information and have the patient provide verbal feedback to ensure understanding. When providing the patient with the post-procedure medication, I would provide the patient with a printout that is highlighted with side effects and importance. I would also provide Alma with a print out of all medications including new prescriptions with a highlighted schedule of each medication, time, dose, and duration. All print outs should be explained and understanding should be verified. With Ms. Alma, the teacher would want to speak at a normal tone and volume, maintain eye contact, should not raise voice, and could ask for a family member to be present for teaching. “Methods used include direct observation, patient self-report or patient journals, report from family members, pill counts, electronic measures such as metered dose inhalers or electronic recording devices, blood or urine assays, prescription records from pharmacists, and patient outcome” (Falvo, 2011).

Falvo, D. (2011). Patient adherence as an outcome of effective patient teaching. Effective patient education: A guide to increase adherence. Retreived from https://viewer.gcu.edu/RQBKXW

Irina Mykhaylichenko
1 posts
Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

According to Friberg and Scherman (2005), “Patients’ noncompliance is regarded as a major problem in health care and efforts have been made to understand the mechanisms behind compliance and noncompliance.” Such people as Alma are noncompliant patients who do not follow the rules and standards of ethics. In my understanding the word “compliance” has a meaning of agreement. One of the factors which manipulate within the patients’ compliance and create the noncompliance “are mechanical difficulties (i.e., swallowing pills), impaired mobility, cost (i.e., medications, dressing supplies), fear, pride, religious beliefs, and the patient’s perception of whether he or she is feeling better, worse or feels there is a lack of progress” (Rothenberg, 2003). In the same way, Alma is “an 85-year-old female.” According to Erikson’s theory it is the eighth and final stage “Ego Integrity Versus Despair.” This is a time when the old people summarize either accomplishments, or a sense of failure within their entire life. It seems that Alma has a sense of failure. That is why; she is a non-compliant person. There are many noncompliant patients similar to Alma of such age as she is now.
A good therapist in collaboration with the professional nurse should work with Alma Faulkenberger for helping her to achieve a satisfaction of her life that will raise compliance in her personality. I think the first and most important technique is to do the psychological assessment of Alma and to involve her in such favorable daily activities that are possible for her age and her health condition. She can do the house chores, aerobic exercises, visiting her friends and relatives, reading, watching movies etc. Such aspects will make Alma more compliant, flexible and amenable. The next and most important technique is to determine Alma’s individuality to identify her strengths and weaknesses.
Then it is necessary to provide the hypnosis for her to persuade Alma to change her attitude toward people and life. According to Cherry and Block (2020), “Hypnosis is a trance-like mental state in which people experience increased attention, concentration, and suggestibility.” The message from Psychology Today (2020) declares that “Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion”. Hypnosis is focused on awareness, and suggestions. It is only a chance to generate the best changes in her behavior.

Cherry, K and Block, D., B.( 2020, July 24). What Is Hypnosis? Retrieved
from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-hypnosis-2795921
Friberg , F. and Scherman M., H( 2005). Can a teaching and learning perspective deepen
understanding of the concept of compliance? A theoretical discussion. Retrieved from
Psychology Today. (2020). Hypnosis. Retrieved from
Rothenberg, G., M. (2003, June 03). How To Facilitate Better Patient Compliance. Retrieved
from https://www.podiatrytoday.com/article/1612

Simranjit Kaur
1 posts
Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

Alma Faulkenberger is refusing to comply because the nurse did not call her name right. She might be feeling offended by the nurse. As a health care professional, I would use collaboration skills to help Alma comply with the procedure and the nurse. Collaboration is the process of cooperating or having negotiations to manage the conflict and improve the understanding of each other to facilitate working together with mutual respect (Morley & Cashell, 2017). I would start by apologizing to Alma and negotiate with her to show me correctly how to pronounce her name. I will establish rapport with her and I would then call her name correctly and request her to proceed with the procedure. I will ask Alma if I can do anything else with her to make her comfortable during and after the procedure.

Compliance or adherence to the treatment plan is crucial to prevent potential complications, avoidable exacerbations, and frequent hospital admissions for patients, as well as increasing costs for health systems and the community. The ultimate plan for Alma is to develop a plan for her to adhere to her treatment plan. “Adherence is a re?ection of good communication and a relationship that is built on respect, active participation, and partnership between patient and health professional, not coercion or manipulation” ( Falvo, 2011). I would develop trust and empathy with Alma in a therapeutic manner. Communication is a key component to increase adherence, especially when it engenders collaboration between the patient and the health professional and enables the patient to make informed choices (DiMatteo, 2004; Roter, 1995). After that, I would assess her current knowledge and perception of her disease process and treatment plan. I will give Alma a printout with instructions on what to expect during and after the procedure. I would simplify the complex procedures to help Alma understand. If the family is available, I would include family in the teaching process with patient consent. After providing teaching, I would use the teach-back method to know If Alma has understood the teaching provided. This will help Alma adhere to the treatment plan and will to positive patient outcomes.
Refernces :
Morley, L., & Cashell, A. (2017). Collaboration in Health Care. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 48, 207-216. Retrieved from https://www.jmirs.org/article/S1939-8654(16)30117-5/pdf
Bultman, D. C., & Svarstad, B. L. (2000). Effects of physician communication style on client medication beliefs and adherence with antidepressant treatment. Social Science and Medicine, 40, 173–185.
Falvo, D. (2011). Patient adherence as an outcome of effective patient teaching. Effective patient education: A guide to increase adherence. Retreived from https://viewer.gcu.edu/RQBKXW

Jessica Ware
1 posts
Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

The nurse that approached Alma, did so in a very authoritative way and perhaps started the nurse-patient relationship off on the wrong foot. Based on Rothenburg’s findings, Alma may have had previous negative experiences with medical staff and saying her name wrong leading her to act defensively (Rothenburg, 2003). The nurse should apologize for saying her name incorrectly and for shouting in her ear. Then to start the relationship off on a better note, ask Alma if there is anything that can be done to make sure that the rest of her procedure goes smoothly. Ways to increase compliance throughout the procedure include providing proper patient teaching that she understands, behavioral techniques, signing a patient contract, and collaborating with the patient to have realistic goals for the treatment process (Falvo, 2011). The approach to patient education that I would take in this situation is the teach-back method. I would explain the procedure to Alma, let her know what the expectations are, what will be done during and after the procedure, medications, dietary changes, and other therapeutic methods that would be utilized, and occasionally ask Alma questions or repeat what was said. One of the main ways for nurses to impact patient adherence is by demonstrating warmth, concern, and empathy for the patient (Falvo, 2011). It is important to tailor the education to Almas needs based on her learning needs, previous knowledge, and home care needs (Falvo, 2011). Collaborating with Alma throughout the procedure and after by creating a trusting relationship with her is the key to Alma adhering to her treatment plan and medications. Formulating a plan that Alma agrees with is also important so the nurse can make sure that Almas’s concerns are expressed to the physician and the appropriate changes are made. Overall, the best strategy to promote adherence by Alma is to provide her with all of the information, allow her to make the best decisions that she sees fit for her life, and support her through her treatment plan (Rothenburg, 2003).
Falvo, D. (2011). Patient adherence as an outcome of effective patient teaching. Effective patient education: A guide to increase adherence. Retreived from https://viewer.gcu.edu/RQBKXW
Rothenberg, G. (2003, June 03). How To Facilitate Better Patient Compliance. Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://www.podiatrytoday.com/article/1612

Irina Mykhaylichenko
1 posts
Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

Collaboration is the only way to achieve a compliance with Alma to receive her permission for the future intervention. Similarly, many patients become very frustrated if their last or first name is pronounced not correctly. Choosing a right strategy in collaboration with Alma is the most important goal for the nurses and other healthcare professionals to achieve the compliance with Alma’s during her treatment. According to Morley and Cashell (2017), “Health care involves the participation of patients, family, and a diverse team of often highly specialized health care professionals.” For this it is necessary to measure the approaches which demonstrate the benefits of collaboration.
Alma Frankenberg is geriatric patient who already has some distortion of her perception, most likely failing of her short and long term memory and other health problems. The nurses who work with Alma should treat her with empathy, respect, warmth and patience, as well as they must build a good relationship with Alma’s relatives and friends to whom she trusts and those who have influence on Alma. This is a first step and the key approach to achieve compliance with a patient. It seems that it is difficult for Alma to cooperate with her new life. She is an old person who is withdrawn from her previous lifestyle where she was young and most likely had success and felt confidence and satisfaction.
However, the reader knows nothing about all significant elements in her life: Alma’s former occupation, current relationship with family members and friends and etc. All of this should be analyzed by the nurses and other healthcare professionals. The next step is the collaboration with other people that also can help in investigation the reason why Alma accepted as the offense the mispronunciation of her last name by the healthcare provider. They are psychologists, if she visits those; other people to whom she trusts; religious people if she participates with any religious approach, etc. However, this role has to be implemented by the social worker of the current facility. So, the next step is the collaboration between all stakeholders working in such a medical facility and with those stakeholders who work in the other settings, but have any attachment with Alma to investigate the reason for the negative response for the incorrect pronunciation of her last name. Similarly, it is necessary to reveal the information about Alma’s ethnicity, history of her family and cultural background to establish the good relationship with her for the future intervention to get the positive outcome within the process of the treatment.

Lyndon Morley and Angela Cashell. (2017).Collaboration in Health Care. Retrieved from

Jessica Ware
1 posts
Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

In order to increase adherence to the patient’s plan of care many members of the health care team need to work together in a coordinated way to increase patient satisfaction, trust, and improved quality of care (Morley & Cashell, 2017). Collaboration between the patient, physician, social worker, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nurses, case managers, and home health are all required to work with each other as a multifunctional team to encourage, uplift, educate, and maximize Almas adherence (Morley & Cashell, 2017). Collaborating with the team and maintaining open communication allows for knowledge to be spread. The team should be made aware of Alma’s previous issues with staff, and any other known issues with noncompliance so that all areas of the team can be aware and approach her in the appropriate way. “Collaboration among health care teams may improve patient education and patient engagement in their care, including behavioral changes such as information seeking and effective delivery of information, patient involvement in decision-making, and patient participation in self-care”( Morley & Cashell, 2017). Patients benefit from health care professionals working together and sharing a common goal with the patient. Alma may already have preconceived notions in regards to the medical staff so in order to gain her trust and cooperation the health care team should work together and make sure that she feels safe, respected, and working towards a common goal.
Morley, L., & Cashell, A. (2017). Collaboration in Health Care. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences,48(2), 207-216. doi:10.1016/j.jmir.2017.02.071

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Collaboration is the only way to achieve a compliance with Alma to receive her permission for the future intervention


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