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Impact of Cold War Ideology on Popular Culture in the 1950s

Impact of Cold War Ideology on Popular Culture in the 1950s

Impact of Cold War Ideology on Popular Culture in the 1950s

1500-1800 words (exclusive of titles, bibliography and citations)

“Popular Culture as History: The Cold War Comes Home”

2 additional academic sources minimum

no internet sources

citations required / footnotes and Bibliography page

University of Chicago format preferred

typed, double-spaced, #12 font, 1” margins

Grammar counts – College-level writing is expected and grammar will be graded.

Electronic copy submitted through Turnitin before class on the due date

Find the appropriate link in the Assignment section on Blackboard


Topic for Research Paper #2


Writers, artists and entertainers were targets of the anti-communist House Un-American Activities Committee(HUAC) after WWII and in the 1950s. As producers of entertainment for mass consumption their influence over citizens of the United States was called into questionand those not wishing to spend time in jail or join unemployment lines adapted their influence on popular culture to avoid notice.

You are to write an essay on the impact of the Cold War on American popular culture in the 1950s.Popular culture includes both the product and the producer. For the purpose of this assignment popular culture includes books, plays, movies, music, television and the creative people involved.

After reading “Popular Culture as History: The Cold War Comes Home,” choose one form of popular culture as the focus of your paper. [Do not write on more than one.]


Research Paper #2

Impact of Cold War Ideology on Popular Culture in the 1950s



1500-1800 words (exclusive of titles, bibliography and citations)

“Popular Culture as History: The Cold War Comes Home”

2 additional academic sources minimum

no internet sources

citations required / footnotes and Bibliography page

University of Chicago format preferred

typed, double-spaced, #12 font, 1” margins

Grammar counts – College-level writing is expected and grammar will be graded.

Electronic copy submitted through Turnitin before class on the due date

Find the appropriate link in the Assignment section on Blackboard


Topic for Research Paper #2


Writers, artists and entertainers were targets of the anti-communist House Un-American Activities Committee(HUAC) after WWII and in the 1950s. As producers of entertainment for mass consumption their influence over citizens of the United States was called into questionand those not wishing to spend time in jail or join unemployment lines adapted their influence on popular culture to avoid notice.


You are to write an essay on the impact of the Cold War on American popular culture in the 1950s.Popular culture includes both the product and the producer. For the purpose of this assignment popular culture includes books, plays, movies, music, television and the creative people involved.


After reading “Popular Culture as History: The Cold War Comes Home,” choose one form of popular culture as the focus of your paper. [Do not write on more than one.]


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Impact of Cold War Ideology on Popular Culture in the 1950sAPA

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