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Respond to two colleagues by providing feedback on their choice of population, sample, and sampling technique

Respond to two colleagues by providing feedback on their choice of population, sample, and sampling technique

Respond to two colleagues by providing feedback on their choice of population, sample, and sampling technique. How do their choices fit with the research question and research methodological approach?

Please use the Learning Resources and the NASW Code of Ethics to support your response (i.e., cite and reference).

The research question: How does child abuse and neglect affect young adults later in life with having children, relationships, and everyday life/ mental status? After reviewing these approaches, the best fit for would be Qualitative research because it helps you gather detailed information on a topic. You can use it to initiate your research by discovering the problems or opportunities people are thinking about. “It is primarily used to discover and gain an in-depth understanding of individual experiences, thoughts, opinions, and trends, and to dig deeper into the problem at hand” (Mcleod, 2019).

The population is young adults between the ages of 25 – 30 who has been through child abuse and neglect. The sample is young adults who are currently suffering in their everyday life from child hood abuse and neglect. Purposive sampling (also known as judgment, selective or subjective sampling) is a sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs when “elements selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher” (Dudovskiy,n.d.). Two reasons why I chose purposive sampling: Purposive sampling allows the researcher to gather qualitative responses, “which leads to better insights and more precise research results” (Dudovskiy,n.d.). Secondly, the researcher collects information from the best-fit participants, the results are relevant to the research context. The ethical and cultural concerns that need to be addressed with this population if studies is research within the NASW code of ethics.

5.02 Evaluation and Research
(e) Social workers engaged in evaluation or research should obtain voluntary and written informed consent from participants, when appropriate, without any implied or actual deprivation or penalty for refusal to participate; without undue inducement to participate; and with due regard for participants’ well-being, privacy, and dignity. Informed consent should include information about the nature, extent, and duration of the participation requested and disclosure of the risks and benefits of participation in the research. (NASW,2021)

6.04 Social and Political Action

(c) Social workers should promote conditions that encourage respect for cultural and social diversity within the United States and globally. Social workers should promote policies and practices that demonstrate respect for difference, support the expansion of cultural knowledge and resources, advocate for programs and institutions that demonstrate cultural competence, and promote policies that safeguard the rights of and confirm equity and social justice for all people. (NASW,2021).


Dudovskiy, J. (n.d.). Purposive sampling. Retrieved from https://research-methodology.net/sampling-in-primary-data-collection/purposive-sampling/.

Mcleod, S. (2019, September). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research? Retrieved from https://www.simplypsychology.org/qualitative-quantitative.html.

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). Preamble to the code of ethics. Retrieved January 24, 2022, , from http://www.socialworkers.org/

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Respond to two colleagues by providing feedback on their choice of population, sample, and sampling technique


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