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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

>    – From the e-Activity, provide your opinion on whether or not a
>    non-Apple device user should have the ability to use iCloud. Explain
>    whether or not this points to the limitations of cloud computing.
> Determine
>    whether businesses should consider iCloud in their cloud computing
> strategy
>    for their IT needs. Support your rationale.

>    – Rate the importance of establishing standards that govern the cloud

>    infrastructure, format for data storage, interoperability standards
> between
>    vendors, and security requirements. Support your rationale.
> Week 7 eActivity

>    – Cloud computing has become popular from a business point of view as

>    well as personal usage. The Apple Corporation has iCloud which enables
>    individuals using Apple products to store music, files, and photos in
>    iCloud. Watch the video titled “iCloud Overview” (8 min 23 s). Be
> prepared
>    to discuss.  Video Source: zollotech. (2011, October 18). iCloud
> Overview
>    [Video file]. Retrieved from
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU_BK5la-rY. This
>    video can be viewed from within your online course shell.
> 150 words each
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Cloud Computing

My opinion on whether or not a non-Apple device user should have the ability to use iCloud

Cloud computing is used to describe a process where information and shared resources are provided to computers as a utility. From the e-Activity, I do not believe that a non-Apple device should have the ability to use the iCloud. This is supported that many organizations that launch new application seek to increase their competitive edge through research and development of new services. In my view, the inability non-Apple device users to use iCloud is one way that reveals some of the challenges or limitations of cloud…………….

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