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How does climate change intersect with sustainability more broadly

How does climate change intersect with sustainability more broadly

Discussion Topic: Climate Change

Climate change was mentioned several times during week 1 and week 2. Some questions you might consider:

What do you think about climate change?

How has your understanding of it changed?

How concerned are you about climate change? How concerned is your family?

What tools (technology, policy, education) do you think can address climate change most effectively? What would be ineffective?

How does climate change intersect with sustainability more broadly? With IT?

Why do you think climate change might be difficult to comprehend or address?

What aspects of climate change are the most concerning to you?

What other issues is climate change similar to? In what ways?

What is the earliest scientific mention of climate change/global warming you can find? How has our understanding changed since then?

these are questions you need to answer. answer them together or in two or three paragraphs.

Reading: Computing Research for Sustainability

Please read pages 1–12 of the following report (the “Summary” section).


Readings: IT and material inflows

Please read/watch the following:

https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/jan/19/children-as-young-as-seven-mining-cobalt-for-use-in-smartphones-says-amnesty (Links to an external site.)

https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/01/Child-labour-behind-smart-phone-and-electric-car-batteries/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cobalt-children-mining-democratic-republic-congo-cbs-news-investigation/ (Links to an external site.)


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How does climate change intersect with sustainability more broadly


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