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Clash of Cultures

Clash of Cultures

Write 2 full pages in which you examine one of the following topics regarding the ways in which the three groups clashed:

Pilgrims and Native Americans inMassachusetts
The kidnapping of colonists by Native Americans
Pequot War
Jamestown’s relationships with Native Americans
The differences between indentured servants and slaves
Racial issues in the 17th century
The early anti-slavery movement
The enslavement of Native Americans
Biological crossover, with a focus on disease
Cite at least two references.

APA guidelines.



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They were based on an extended family and the clan. Their land were used and cultivated by the whole village. Had smaller farms though they had a big number of raw materials to trade with. They had servants to work on the farms. They traded mainly on lumber. They used mercantile economic theory. The tribes mostly traded on weapons, food items and jewelry and mostly fight over land issues…………………..


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