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How did James Lawson prepare black college students to engage the civil rights movement

How did James Lawson prepare black college students to engage the civil rights movement

What are “Civil Rights?” [use an encyclopedia or dictionary]

Explain the strategy of “Non-Violent Direct Action”. [511-513]

What was the role of the boycott in the Montgomery Movement? Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King? [513-17] Also, what was the end result of using the boycott strategy?

How did James Lawson prepare black college students to engage the civil rights movement? [518-19]

What was the “Lunch counter sit in?” Explain if it was successful?

What was the intent of King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail?

What happened during “Freedom Summer” as related to the Civil Rights Movement? [524-28]

Why was media “press coverage” important to the movement?

CH 21. What was Malcolm X’s message and why were so many blacks in northern urban settings attracted to his message?

Explain Black Power as articulated by the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. [Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, etc.]


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How did James Lawson prepare black college students to engage the civil rights movement

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