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Childhood development

Childhood development

Part 1: Case Studies

Pick four stages  to illustrate early childhood development. Pick two from Erickson’s Stage Theory and two from Piaget’s theory of development. Create one case study for each of the chosen stages, which is a total of four case studies.

Label each case study with the theorist/stages relevant to it.

Each case study should be a minimum of 250 words.

For each case study, include how you as a therapist would plan to work with someone at the identified stage.

Part 2: Summary

Include a 250-500-word summary that explains the similarities and differences between Piaget’s and Erickson’s theories

Each case must be on a separate page in the word document.

This assignment assesses the following programmatic competency: 3.4: Demonstrate understanding of human growth and development and how they impact counseling efforts.

This assignment meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.3.h. A general framework for understanding differing abilities and strategies for differentiated interventions



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Erikson’s first stage of early development involves the trust and mistrust of the child. The child is uncertain of the environment, and people around them (Erikson, 1993). They cannot tell if the world they live in is safe or dangerous. Thus, the child entirely relies on the parent or guardian for a stable and secure life. At this stage, if the child…………………………

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