Change Initiative Description
Chapter 3 of the textbook distinguishes between applied research and action research. Explain the difference between the two. Provide an example to
support your explanation. Would the development of your proposal be considered as either of the two? Why or why not?
Ensure complete answers for the questions and comprehensive research to bring out the topic well. Quality is essential in this question. good grammar is required. Use subtitles to enhance understandably.
- Ensure to reference the book attached and two more references
- APA, 300 words
- three references
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According to Leedy & Ormrod (2013), applied research is a type of research carried out in naturalistic and invariably complex environments. This type of research increases the probability that the findings of a given study can be generalized to a wide range of problems and real-life situations. Most importantly, it addresses different concerns that offer immediate benefits to the society’s current policies, practices, and procedures. As an example, a nursing expert might engage in research that seeks to establish the effectiveness and the applicability of various instructional strategies to be used in future training. An agronomist can also conduct research to comprehend the impact of different fertilizers when…………….
378 Words