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Examine what caused the change to occur or what has been the effect of the change. 

Examine what caused the change to occur or what has been the effect of the change.

If you proceed with any of these topics or select a new one, the goal is to then decide if you want to examine what caused the change to occur or what has been the effect of the change. The use of social media to attract clients

Your goal is to strengthen the Unit 6 Assignment draft, improve the introduction and conclusion and organization of the draft, as well as to incorporate and cite three to four relevant and reliable secondary sources into the paper using APA format so that you support and further develop your ideas and claims.

Here are the steps to success on the Unit 8 Assignment:

In Unit 7, learn about reliable and relevant sources and identify three to four sources you can use to strengthen and develop the ideas in your draft. Your Unit 7 Discussion Board will allow you to post a revised paragraph from your draft where you add information from one of the sources you have selected. Then you can work on the other paragraphs in your draft independently to strengthen them.

In Unit 8, learn about APA citations and how to paraphrase your sources and cite them. In the Unit 8 Discussion Board, you will post another paragraph from your Unit 6 Assignment that you revise to include sources and citations, as well as a practice reference list of all your sources you plan to use in the paper.

Then, once you receive Discussion Board feedback on your paragraphs and citations, you will revise your Unit 6 Assignment draft fully, to include and cite all source information used, and this will become your Unit 8 Assignment. It is the final version of the paper you began in Units 5 and 6.

Be sure that your Unit 8 Assignment submission:

Demonstrates that you have substantially revised your Unit 6 Assignment.

Establishes and develops a clear main point about your topic that is original and insightful.

Analyzes either the cause or effect of the change you are addressing, without taking a position or writing to persuade.

Organizes ideas logically and demonstrates paragraph unity and connection of ideas through the use of transition devices.

Demonstrates that you have strengthened, supported, and developed your ideas through the incorporation of three to four relevant and reliable secondary sources from either the Library or published on the Web.

Demonstrates that you can paraphrase relevant and reliable source information rather than relying solely on quotes from the sources.

Applies 6th Edition APA formatting to give credit to all source information and ideas, whether you quote, paraphrase, or summarize these sources.

Utilizes APA style to format the paper, including the title page, body pages, margins, in-text citations, and references page citations.

Follows the conventions of Standard American English.

Is 5–6 paragraphs or 2–2.5 pages long, excluding title page and references page.

This should be written to a formal Audience

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Answer preview to examine what caused the change to occur or what has been the effect of the change. 

Examine what caused the change to occur or what has been the effect of the change. 


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