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Topics is Censorship in the Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 

Topics is Censorship in the Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451

Topics is Censorship in the Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451
The completed essay (final draft) will contain seven to ten (7-10) pages (excluding the title page, the outline with thesis statement, and works cited pages).

The paper will contain a minimum of 7-8 sources, including a variety of sources and limiting Internet sources to two with the exception of databases.

The paper itself must include a works cited page in MLA format, NOT a bibliography.

It is understood that the paper will contain a substantial amount of paraphrased material with parenthetical documentation.

Direct quotations will comprise NO more than 25% of the paper; paraphrases and summaries may constitute substantially more of the paper.

In determining the grade for the paper, I will consider form (mechanics, grammar), content, documentation, and process.

Research papers will have a body of seven to ten (7-10) pages. The paper must also have an outline, and Works Cited page. (These pages are NOT considered as part of the body page count.)

The order of pages in the paper is outline, body of paper, works cited. These are all to be saved and sent to me as one document.

The final Works Cited page will contain seven to eight (7-8) sources.

The sources will be derived from appropriate books, periodicals, etc., to denote variety of sources used.

Cliffs Notes, Masterplots, Monarch Notes, essays from paper mills, Wikipedia, and all other similar sources are NOT appropriate.

Each of the sources used in the Works Cited must be used at least once in the research paper.

You are to follow MLA format and documentation as described at the Purdue OWL site.

Use direct quotations sparingly (NO more than 25% of the paper).

Be sure topic is sufficiently limited.

All words should be spelled correctly and errors in sentence structure eliminated.

The level of diction should be formal (no slang, contractions, jargon, or technical terms without definition).

The paper should be well written and scholarly.
All borrowed information must be noted whether quoted or paraphrased.

History papers and biographical papers are NOT acceptable for this assignment.

****Pages to be included outside of main body 7-10 pages that are a requiremement:
Rough draft of Literary Research Paper (must be 7-10pages of the main body of paper, final outline, and workscited), I will also need a Preliminary Research Outline, The Final Draft of Literary Research Paper, outline with thesis and work-cited.
(I have provided the Annotated Bibliography and Research Proposal that the essay will need to be based off of, Bibliography was docked for not being alphabetized, and Research proposal lacked a secondary (critical) source (these do not need to be corrected just for reference). I have also provided the rough draft that I was sent from the other person who failed to meet requirements, and have began editing it and stopped at the second paragraph after first sentence. And have other discussions on the novel if need for assistance.


…………………….Answer preview……………………..

The dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury reflects on various situations in the society while depicting the imagery of a futuristic American society where novels are banned for portraying false life situation. In this society, owning literature works like the novels and poems had consequences including the worst act of burning of books……………………………………..


2227 words

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