CCMH/551: Individual Counseling
Assignment Instructions: CCMH/551: Individual Counseling
Wk 5 – Summative Assessment: Integrating Theory-Based Interventions [due Mon]
To support their clients’ progress, counselors must continually refine their ability to integrate the theory they use to conceptualize and develop a treatment plan with their strategic use of evidence-based interventions. In addition, counselors need to consistently evaluate whether strategies and interventions are helping the client toward achieving their goals. This evaluation may be subjective with the client’s report of progress or may be objective with the use of symptoms checklists or rating scales.
Plan your session using the Wk 5 Collaborative Discussion – Role-Play 4 (Nongraded) to communicate with your group mates. Follow these guidelines as you plan:
Your role-play this week should build from where you left off in Week 4 with your client. Assume that the intake interview, professional disclosures, and goals have been completed.
Continue working with your client on the presenting issue(s) discussed during the intake session.
Continue integrating evidence-based practices that support clients with similar presenting concerns. Review the research you conducted in Week 3 for additional ideas as needed.
Continue integrating the counseling theory you selected in Week 3.
Collaborate with your group to plan the recording of your counseling session.
Review the Wk 5 – Summative Assessment: Integrating Theory-Based Interventions grading rubric prior to recording your mock session to ensure you incorporate all the criteria you will be graded on. These include:
Integration of evidence-based theory or techniques
Note: Evidence-based techniques are different from basic counseling skills or techniques.
Application of a theoretical perspective in the case conceptualization of a client
Identification of strategies for client change that are supported by counseling theory
Identification of strategies for evaluating a mock client’s readiness for termination
In this week’s session:
Conduct an evidence-based strategy, intervention, or theoretical technique with your mock client in a role-play session with your group.
Complete a SOAP Notes Form to document the session.
Complete the Intervention Strategy Analysis Worksheet to reflect on your performance.
Remember to record your session and save it as an .mp4 video file to submit.
Observe a session between client and counselor. Provide feedback to your group mates using the Counseling Skills Scale to guide your observations.
Apply the feedback you received from your observer in the previous role-play session.
Submit these completed items for your assessment:
SOAP Notes Form
Intervention Strategy Analysis Worksheet
The .mp4 video recording of your session as counselor
1 completed Counseling Skills Scale from the session in which you were the observer
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Recording a Microsoft Teams Meeting (video with transcript)
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Details & Information
Assessment due date
3/4/25, 12:59 AM (CST)
Goals & standards
Aligned with 1 goal
Grading rubric
This item is graded with a rubric
Maximum points
120 points
Paper Format: APA
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