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During the early 1960’s, Dr. J.C.R. Licklinder proposed many Internet features that we have today

During the early 1960’s, Dr. J.C.R. Licklinder proposed many Internet features that we have today Background: During the early 1960’s, Dr. J.C.R. Licklinder proposed many Internet features that we have today. The 1998 PBS series Triumph of the Nerds, narrated by Robert X Cringely, provides an excellent overview of the early days, including the beginning of packet-switching. Learning Activity: … Read more

Home » History » Page 243

Hiroshima Essay

Hiroshima Essay http://archive.org/details/hiroshima035082mbp Using the above link provided and your text book (Making America, Vol. 2, by Carol Berkin, 6th edition) Develop this topic (Hiroshima) into a well-organized essay, following the various sections (1 – 4) and the guidelines below. Include at least three direct, multi-sentence block quotes from Hiroshima to support your position. Be … Read more

Home » History » Page 243

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) you have studied this week is one of the most important pieces of legislation ever crafted

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) you have studied this week is one of the most important pieces of legislation ever crafted The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) you have studied this week is one of the most important pieces of legislation ever crafted concerning the public policy process. It clearly spells … Read more

Home » History » Page 243

Financial Effects of Globalization

Financial Effects of Globalization Financial Effects of Globalization: In recent decades, the emergence of global economic, political, environmental, and cultural interconnections has greatly impacted people, companies, and nations  regionally and in different parts of the world. Consider, for instance, the following mission statement: “Partnerships International, Inc. periodically brings together industry and government in a collegial and … Read more